.. _convert: Unit Conversions **************** Here we list functionality converting between units and unit sets. .. currentmodule:: vunits.convert Converting units of the same dimensions --------------------------------------- This section shows API related to converting units of similar sets. For example, ``m/s`` and ``miles/hr`` both have dimensions of ``length``/``time``. .. autosummary:: :toctree: same_dim :nosignatures: convert_temp convert_unit debye_to_einstein einstein_to_debye -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Converting units of different dimensions ---------------------------------------- These are conversions between unit sets. For example, finding the vibrational temperature (dimensions of ``temperature``) to vibrational frequencies (dimensions of inverse ``time``). .. autosummary:: :toctree: diff_dim :nosignatures: energy_to_freq energy_to_temp energy_to_wavenumber freq_to_energy freq_to_temp freq_to_wavenumber inertia_to_temp temp_to_energy temp_to_freq temp_to_wavenumber wavenumber_to_energy wavenumber_to_freq wavenumber_to_inertia wavenumber_to_temp