Source code for DFT_to_Thermochemistry

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    Calculate thermodynamic data (S298, H298, and Cp(T)
    from ab initio DFT data (energies and frequencies)
    providng input thermodynamics files for
    KMC (Zacros) and MKM (Chemkin and Matlab)

    Gerhard R Wittreich, P.E.
    Created on Fri Mar 31 2017
    author  wittregr
    Adopted from Matlab code written and modified by mVassili Vorotnikov and Geun Ho Gu
    This program contains the class objects used to read energy, vibration and
    molecular configuration data and determine the standard entropy and enthalpy
    and heat capacities at various temperatures.
import numpy as _np
from numpy import pi
import os
import as _ase
import re
import scipy.interpolate as _sp
import datetime
from utils import constant as c

class Particle(object):

    Cp_Range = _np.linspace(100, 1500, 15)
    VibScalingFactor = 1         # Vibrational Scaling Factor

    def __init__(self, data, dict, Base_path, Tstp=298.15):

        Fill object with species name and associated thermodynamic data
        ''' = str(data[dict['name']])         # Species name
        if 'numh' in dict:
            if data[dict['numc']] != '':
                self.carbon = int(data[dict['numc']])       # No. of C atoms
                self.carbon = int(0)
            if data[dict['numh']] != '':
                self.hydrogen = int(data[dict['numh']])     # No. of H atoms
                self.hydrogen = int(0)
            if data[dict['numo']] != '':
                self.oxygen = int(data[dict['numo']])       # No. of O atoms
                self.oxygen = int(0)
            if data[dict['numn']] != '':
                self.nitrogen = int(data[dict['numn']])     # No. of N atoms
                self.nitrogen = int(0)
        if 'mw' in dict:
            self.MW = float(data[dict['mw']])/c.NA/1000
            self.MW = (self.carbon * c.MW_carbon +
                       self.hydrogen * c.MW_hydorgen +
                       self.oxygen * c.MW_oxygen +
                       self.nitrogen * c.MW_nitrogen)/c.NA/1000
        if not hasattr(self, 'Inertia'):
            self.totengpath = os.path.join(*re.split(r'\\|/',
        self.etotal = float(data[dict['etotal']])   # Total energy
        if data[dict['edisp']] == '':
            self.edisp = float(0)
            self.edisp = float(data[dict['edisp']])     # Dispersion energy
        self.numvibfreq = int(data[dict['numvibfreq']])  # No. vib frequencies
        if not hasattr(self, 'phase'):
            self.phase = None                       # Phase (G=gas, S=surface)
        self.vibfreq = []                           # Vibration frequencies
        for x in range(0, self.numvibfreq):
            self.vibfreq.append(Particle.VibScalingFactor *
                                float(data[dict['vibfreq'] + x]))
        self.vibfreq = _np.array(self.vibfreq)
        self.Base_path = Base_path
        self.Tstp = Tstp

    def ThermoProperties(self):
        Calculate all thermodynamic properties from input data


        Get rotational data from VASP CONTCAR for gas species using
        Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE) libraries for python
        if self.phase == 'G':
            if hasattr(self, 'Inertia'):
                self.I3 = self.Inertia
                filepath = os.path.join(self.Base_path,
                VASP =
                self.I3 = VASP.get_moments_of_inertia()*c.A2_to_m2*c.amu_to_kg
                self.MW = sum(VASP.get_masses())/c.NA/1000.
            self.T_I = c.h1**2/(8*_np.pi**2*c.kb1)
        Calulcate common frequency data for vibrational components
        ''' = self.vibfreq * 100 * c.c2
        self.theta = c.h1 * / c.kb1

        Call Entropy method to calculate standard state entropy

        Call Heat Capacity method to calculate heat capacities at the
        temperature range specified by Cp_Range

        Call Enthalpy method to calculate standard state enthalpy

    def Determine_Phase(self):
        Determine species phase if one is not provided

        if self.phase is not None:
        elif hasattr(self, 'surface'):
            self.phase = 'S'

        elif self.islinear is not None:
            self.phase = 'G'

        elif hasattr(self, 'sigma'):
            self.phase = 'G'

            This should proabbaly result in an error condition vs supplying
            'S' as a default value
            self.phase = 'S'

    def Calc_Entropy(self):
        Calculate the vibrational, rotational and translational components and
        total entropy of a species at standard conditions

        Calculate vibrational component of entropy for gas and surface species
        T = self.Tstp
        self.S_Tstp_vib = c.R1 * sum((self.theta/T) /
                                     (_np.exp(self.theta/T)-1) -
                                     _np.log(1 - _np.exp(-self.theta/T)))
        self.q_vib = _np.product(_np.divide(1, (1 - _np.exp(-self.theta/T))))

        Calculate rotational and translational components of entropy
        if self.phase == 'G':
            Gas phase calculation
            if self.islinear == 0:
                Non-linear species
                I = _np.product(self.I3)
                self.S_Tstp_rot = c.R1*(3./2. + 1./2. *
                                        _np.log(pi*T**3/self.T_I**3*I) -
                self.q_rot = _np.sqrt(_np.pi*I)/self.sigma *\
                Linear species
                I = _np.max(self.I3)
                self.S_Tstp_rot = c.R1*(1. + _np.log(T/self.T_I*I) -
                self.q_rot = (T*I/self.sigma)/self.T_I
            p = 100000  # Presure of 1 atm or 100000 Pa
            self.S_Tstp_trans = c.R1*(5./2. + 3./2. *
                                      _np.log(2.*pi*self.MW/c.h1**2) +
                                      5./2.*_np.log(c.kb1*T) -
            if hasattr(self, 'A_st'):
                self.q_trans2D = self.A_st * (2*pi*self.MW*c.kb1*T)/c.h1**2
            Surface phase calculation
            self.S_Tstp_rot = 0.
            self.S_Tstp_trans = 0.
            self.q_rot = 0.
        Sum of all contributions to entropy for total entropy
        self.S_Tstp = self.S_Tstp_vib + self.S_Tstp_rot + self.S_Tstp_trans

    def Calc_HeatCapacities(self):
        Calculate the vibrational, rotational and translational components and
        total heat capacity of a species for a range of temperatures
        Calculate vibrational contribution to heat capacity for temperature
        range specified in Cp_Range for linear and non-linear species
        zz = []
        for x in range(0, len(self.Cp_Range)):
            zz.append(_np.divide(self.theta, self.Cp_Range[x]))
        zz = _np.array(zz).T
        self.Cp_vib = sum(_np.divide(_np.multiply(_np.power(zz, 2),
                                     _np.power(1-_np.exp(-zz), 2)))
        if self.phase == 'G':
            Translational and rotational Gas phase calculation
            self.Cp_trans = _np.array([3./2.]*len(self.Cp_Range))
            if self.islinear == 0:
                Non-Linear species
                self.Cp_rot = _np.array([3./2.]*len(self.Cp_Range))
                Linear species
                self.Cp_rot = _np.array([1.]*len(self.Cp_Range))
            Surface species
            self.Cp_rot = _np.array([0.]*len(self.Cp_Range))
            self.Cp_trans = _np.array([0.]*len(self.Cp_Range))
        Sum all contribution to heat capacity for total heat capapcity
        self.Cp = c.R1*(self.Cp_trans + self.Cp_rot + self.Cp_vib + 1)

    def Calc_Enthalpy(self):
        T = self.Tstp
        Calculate zero-point energy
        self.zpe = sum(_np.multiply(c.h2,*c.NA/1000

        Calculate vibrational component of enthalpy
        self.E_Tstp_vib = c.kb2 *\
                           (1 - _np.exp(-self.theta/T)))) *\
        Calculate translational and rotational component of enthalpy
        if self.phase == 'G':
            Gas phase calculation
            self.E_Tstp_trans = 3./2.*c.R1*T/1000
            if self.islinear == 0:
                Non-linear species
                self.E_Tstp_rot = 3./2.*c.R1*T/1000
                Linear species
                self.E_Tstp_rot = 1.*c.R1*T/1000
            self.pv_Tstp = 1.*c.R1*T/1000
            Surface phase calculation
            self.E_Tstp_trans = 0.
            self.E_Tstp_rot = 0.
            self.pv_Tstp = 0.
        Sum all contribution to enthalpy for total enthalpy
        self.dfth = self.etotal*c.R1/c.R2*c.NA/1000 + self.zpe +\
            self.E_Tstp_vib + self.E_Tstp_trans + self.E_Tstp_rot +\

[docs]class Reference(Particle): ''' SubClass object to add specific fields for reference species ''' def __init__(self, data, dict, Base_path, Tstp=298.15): if data[dict['sigma']] != '': self.sigma = int(data[dict['sigma']]) # Sigma else: self.sigma = int(0) if data[dict['islinear']] != '': self.islinear = int(data[dict['islinear']]) # Is molecule linear? else: self.linear = int(-1) if 'hf298nist' in dict: self.hf298nist = float(data[dict['hf298nist']]) # NIST Std enthpy if 'inertia' in dict: if data[dict['inertia']] != '': self.Inertia = float(data[dict['inertia']]) else: self.Inertia = float(0) self.phase = str.upper(data[dict['phase']]) # Phase if 'a_st' in dict and data[dict['a_st']] != '': self.A_st = float(data[dict['a_st']]) super(Reference, self).__init__(data, dict, Base_path, Tstp=298.15) @staticmethod def BasisSet(RefSpecies): A = [] b_nist = [] b_dfth = [] for x in range(0, len(RefSpecies)): A.append([RefSpecies[x].carbon, RefSpecies[x].hydrogen, RefSpecies[x].oxygen, RefSpecies[x].nitrogen]) b_nist.append([RefSpecies[x].hf298nist]) b_dfth.append([RefSpecies[x].dfth]) ref = _np.linalg.lstsq(A, _np.array(b_nist) - _np.array(b_dfth))[0] return(ref)
[docs]class Target(Particle): ''' SubClass object to add specific fields for target surface species ''' def __init__(self, data, dict, Base_path, Tstp=298.15): self.surface = str(data[dict['surface']]) # Surface self.functional = str(data[dict['functional']]) # Functional self.kpoints = str(data[dict['kpoints']]) # k-Points self.vibfreqpath = str(data[dict['vibfreqpath']]) # Unused self.phase = None # Phase super(Target, self).__init__(data, dict, Base_path, Tstp=298.15) @staticmethod def ReferenceDFT(Species, Surface, Basis): for x in range(0, len(Species)): Molecule = _np.array([Species[x].carbon, Species[x].hydrogen, Species[x].oxygen, Species[x].nitrogen]) if Species[x].phase == 'G': Species[x].hf_Tstp = (Species[x].dfth +, Basis))[0] if hasattr(Species[x], 'edisp'): Species[x].convedisp = (Species[x].edisp * c.ev_atom_2_kcal_mol) else: Slab = next((y for y in Surface if == Species[x].surface), None) if Slab is None: print 'Error' else: Species[x].hf_Tstp = (Species[x].dfth +, Basis) - Slab.etotal * c.ev_atom_2_kcal_mol)[0] if hasattr(Species[x], 'edisp'): Species[x].convedisp = (Species[x].edisp * c.ev_atom_2_kcal_mol - Slab.edisp * c.ev_atom_2_kcal_mol) return(Species) @staticmethod
[docs] def CreateThermdat(Species, Base_path, Output): ''' Calculate the seven coefficients for the NASA polynomials for two temperature ranges and output the results in a Chemkin format thermdat file ''' T_mid = 500 Tstp = Species[0].Tstp def HS_NASA(T, a): ''' 7-coefficient NASA polynomials for enthalpy and entropy ''' Enthalpy = a[0] + a[1]*T/2 + a[2]*T**2/3 + \ a[3]*T**3/4 + a[4]*T**4/5 Entropy = a[0]*_np.log(T) + a[1]*T + a[2]*T**2/2 + \ a[3]*T**3/3 + a[4]*T**4/4 return[Enthalpy, Entropy] for x in range(0, len(Species)): T_rng_low = _np.linspace(min(Species[x].Cp_Range), T_mid, 1600) T_rng_high = _np.linspace(T_mid, max(Species[x].Cp_Range), 4000) T_func = _sp.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(Species[x].Cp_Range, Species[x].Cp/c.R1, k=4) ''' Fit coefficients A1-A5 to heat capacity data ''' Species[x].a_low = _np.polyfit(T_rng_low, T_func(T_rng_low), 4)[::-1] Species[x].a_high = _np.polyfit(T_rng_high, T_func(T_rng_high), 4)[::-1] ''' Correct A1 high temperature range coefficient to eliminate discontinuity between high and low temperature range polynomials ''' Species[x].a_high[0] = Species[x].a_high[0] + \ (_np.polyval(Species[x].a_low[::-1], T_mid) - _np.polyval(Species[x].a_high[::-1], T_mid)) ''' Determine A6 coefficient for enthalpy calculations ''' a6_high = (Species[x].hf_Tstp/c.R1/Tstp*1000 - HS_NASA(Tstp, Species[x].a_high)[0])*Tstp a6_low = (Species[x].hf_Tstp/c.R1/Tstp*1000 - HS_NASA(Tstp, Species[x].a_low)[0])*Tstp ''' Correct A6 high temperature range coefficient to eliminate discontinuity between high and low temperature range polynomials ''' a6_high_delta = (HS_NASA(T_mid, Species[x].a_low)[0] + a6_low/T_mid) - \ (HS_NASA(T_mid, Species[x].a_high)[0] + a6_high/T_mid) a6_high = a6_high + a6_high_delta * T_mid Species[x].a_high = _np.append(Species[x].a_high, a6_high) Species[x].a_low = _np.append(Species[x].a_low, a6_low) ''' Determine A7 coefficient for entropy calculations ''' a7_high = Species[x].S_Tstp/c.R1 - \ HS_NASA(Tstp, Species[x].a_high)[1] a7_low = Species[x].S_Tstp/c.R1 - \ HS_NASA(Tstp, Species[x].a_low)[1] ''' Correct A7 high temperature range coefficient to eliminate discontinuity between high and low temperature range polynomials ''' a7_high_delta = (HS_NASA(T_mid, Species[x].a_low)[1] + a7_low) - (HS_NASA(T_mid, Species[x].a_high)[1] + a7_high) a7_high = a7_high + a7_high_delta Species[x].a_high = _np.append(Species[x].a_high, a7_high) Species[x].a_low = _np.append(Species[x].a_low, a7_low) ''' Write the species name, seven NASA coefficients for both a high and a low temperature range and other data in the Chemkin thermdat file format ''' if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(Base_path, Output)) is False: os.mkdir(os.path.join(Base_path, Output)) filepath = os.path.join(Base_path, Output, 'thermdat') fid = open(filepath, 'w') fid.truncate() ''' Write thermdat file header ''' fid.write('THERMO ALL\n') for s in range(0, _np.size(Species)): ''' Write header line for each species on line 1 ''' fid.write('%-16s' % (Species[s].name)) fid.write('%-8s' % ('%Y%m%d'))) fid.write('%1s%-4i' % ('C', Species[s].carbon)) fid.write('%1s%-4i' % ('O', Species[s].oxygen)) fid.write('%1s%-4i' % ('H', Species[s].hydrogen)) fid.write('%1s%-4i' % ('N', Species[s].nitrogen)) if Species[s].name.find('(S)'): fid.write('S') else: fid.write('G') fid.write('%10.0f%10.0f%8.0f' % (min(Species[x].Cp_Range), max(Species[x].Cp_Range), T_mid)) fid.write('%6s%1i\n' % ('', 1)) ''' Write first five NASA coefficients for low temperature range on line 2 ''' for x in range(0, 5): fid.write('%15E' % (Species[s].a_low[x])) fid.write('%4s%1i\n' % ('', 2)) ''' Write final two NASA coefficients for low temperature range on line 2 ''' for x in range(0, 2): fid.write('%15E' % (Species[s].a_low[x+4])) ''' Write first three NASA coeficients for high temperature range on line 3 ''' for x in range(0, 3): fid.write('%15E' % (Species[s].a_high[x])) fid.write('%4s%1i\n' % ('', 3)) ''' Write final four NASA coefficients for high temperature range on line 4 ''' for x in range(0, 4): fid.write('%15E' % (Species[s].a_high[x+3])) fid.write('%19s%1i\n' % ('', 4)) ''' Write file footer and close the file ''' fid.write('END\n') fid.close() return(Species)
[docs]class Surface: ''' Class object to populate slab energies for surfaces ''' def __init__(self, data, dict): = str(data[dict['name']]) # Surface name self.etotal = float(data[dict['etotal']]) # Total energy-DFT self.edisp = float(data[dict['edisp']]) # Dispersion energy-DFT
def DFTFileRead(filepath): fid = open(filepath, 'r') file = lines = file.splitlines() dict_array = lines[2].lower().split('\t') dict = {} for x in range(0, len(dict_array)): dict[dict_array[x]] = x return(lines, dict)