Python wrapper for the Zacros kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) code

This repository contains a Python library for a wrapper for the Zacros kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) code, which can be found at For users familiar with the Zacros software, our package offers ease-of-use as well as additional analysis functionality. Modified source files for Zacros are included which produce additional output files that are used by the wrapper.

Key features

  • Run KMC simulations with parallel processing
  • Rescale rate constants of fast, equilibrated reactions to accelerate simulation
  • Perform parameteric sensitivity analysis using the likelihood ratio method



Getting Started

  1. Obtain modified Zacros executable. See Separate page.
  2. Add the Zacros-Wrapper repository to your Python path.
  3. Configure input in demo file and run.

Indices and tables