Source code for KMC_Run

import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mat
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties

# For executable
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import copy
import re as _re

from utils import *
from IO_data import *
from Lattice import Lattice

[docs]class kmc_traj(): ''' Handles a single Zacros trajectory. ''' def __init__(self, path = None): ''' Initialize class variables ''' self.Path = path # Path to the folder with the Zacros input and output files self.exe_file = None # Path to the Zacros executable # Input variables self.simin = SimIn() # data from simulation_input.dat self.mechin = MechanismIn() # data from mechanism_input.dat self.clusterin = ClusterIn() # data from energetics_input.dat = Lattice() # data from lattice_input.dat self.statein = StateIn() # data from state_input.dat # Output variables self.genout = PerformanceOut() # data from general_output.txt self.specnumout = SpecnumOut() # data from specnum_output.txt self.procstatout = ProcstatOut() # data from procstat_output.txt self.histout = HistoryOut() # data from history_output.txt # Extra analysis variables self.gas_prod = None # string with the name of the product (gas) species, used to compute the rate # Missing other variables obtained from additional output files...?? # Additional output self.prop = None # data from propensities_output.txt self.propCounter = None # data from timeintprop_output.txt self.W_sen_anal = None # data from trajderiv_output.txt self.spec_num_int = None # data from timeintspecs_output.txt self.TS_site_props_list = None self.TS_site_props_ss = None # steady state site propensities ''' ======================================= File input/output methods ======================================= '''
[docs] def ReadAllInput(self): ''' Read all Zacros input files ''' self.simin.ReadIn(self.Path) self.mechin.ReadIn(self.Path) self.clusterin.ReadIn(self.Path) self.statein.ReadIn(self.Path)
[docs] def WriteAllInput(self): ''' Write all Zacros input files ''' self.simin.WriteIn(self.Path) self.mechin.WriteIn(self.Path) self.clusterin.WriteIn(self.Path) self.statein.WriteIn(self.Path, self.simin.surf_spec)
[docs] def ReadAllOutput(self, build_lattice=False): ''' Read all Zacros output files :param build_lattice : True - builds a Lattice object False - reads lattice_output.txt as text only ''' #print 'Reading kMC trajectory data from ' + self.Path self.ReadAllInput() if self.CheckComplete(): # Standard output files self.genout.ReadOut(self.Path, self.simin.surf_spec, self.simin.gas_spec ) self.specnumout.ReadOut(self.Path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.Path, 'procstat_output.txt')): self.procstatout.ReadOut(self.Path) if build_lattice: # Count the number of sites with open( os.path.join(self.Path, 'lattice_output.txt'), 'r') as txt: RawTxt = txt.readlines() nSites = len(RawTxt) - 2 self.histout.ReadOut(self.Path, nSites) # Extra output files self.prop = Read_propensities(self.Path, len( self.genout.RxnNameList ) ) self.propCounter = Read_time_integrated_propensities(self.Path, len( self.genout.RxnNameList ) ) self.W_sen_anal = Read_trajectory_derivatives(self.Path, len( self.genout.RxnNameList )) self.spec_num_int = Read_time_integrated_species(self.Path, len( self.simin.surf_spec )) self.TS_site_props_list = Read_time_integrated_site_props(self.Path, nSites, len( self.genout.RxnNameList ), self.histout.n_snapshots ) if not self.TS_site_props_list is None: if self.histout.snap_times[-1] == 0.: # only 1 entry in history output self.TS_site_props_ss = self.TS_site_props_list[-1] else: self.TS_site_props_ss = ( self.TS_site_props_list[-1] - self.TS_site_props_list[0] ) / ( self.histout.snap_times[-1] - self.histout.snap_times[0] ) else: print 'general_output.txt not found in ' + self.Path
''' ======================================= Calculation methods ======================================= '''
[docs] def Run_sim(self): ''' Call the Zacros executable and run the simulation. self.exe_file must have been initialized with the full file path of the Zacros executable. ''' os.chdir(self.Path) if self.exe_file is None: raise Exception('Zacros executable not specified.') try: print '--- Zacros run starting ---'[self.exe_file]) print '--- Zacros run completed ---' except: raise Exception('Zacros run in ' + self.Path + ' failed.')
[docs] def CheckComplete(self): ''' Check to see if a Zacros run has completed successfully ''' Complete = False if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.Path, 'general_output.txt')): with open(os.path.join(self.Path, 'general_output.txt'), 'r') as txt: RawTxt = txt.readlines() for i in RawTxt: if'Normal termination', i): Complete = True return Complete
[docs] def AdjustPreExponentials(self, delta_sdf): ''' Adjust the pre-exponential ratios of all elementary reactions :param delta_sdf: list or vector of ratios to apply. Must have length equal to the number of reactions. ''' rxn_ind = 0 for i in self.mechin.rxn_list: for j in i.variant_list: j.pre_expon = j.pre_expon * delta_sdf[rxn_ind] j.scaledown_factor = j.scaledown_factor * delta_sdf[rxn_ind] rxn_ind += 1
[docs] def time_avg_covs(self, t1 = 0, t2 = None): ''' Time average surface species counts :param t1: Start time for time averaging interval :param t2: End time for time averaging interval, if left as None it will be set as the final time ''' if t2 is None: # Use final time by default t2 = self.specnumout.t[-1] idb_start = self.time_search_interp(t1) idb_end = self.time_search_interp(t2) cov_integ_start = idb_start[1][0] * self.spec_num_int[idb_start[0][0], :] + idb_start[1][1] * self.spec_num_int[idb_start[0][1], :] cov_integ_end = idb_end[1][0] * self.spec_num_int[idb_end[0][0], :] + idb_end[1][1] * self.spec_num_int[idb_end[0][1], :] return ( cov_integ_end - cov_integ_start ) / (t2 - t1)
[docs] def time_search_interp(self, t): ''' Get the information necessary to linearly interpolate data between time points :param t: Time at which you want to compute interpolated data :returns: A 2-item list of 2-items each in the order: Index of time point less than or equal to t, index of time point greater than or equal to t weighting factor for lower point weighting factor for higher point ''' if t > self.specnumout.t[-1] or t < 0: raise Exception('Time is out of range.') ind_geq = 0 while self.specnumout.t[ind_geq] < t: ind_geq += 1 ind_leq = len( self.specnumout.t ) - 1 # set it initially equal to the last index while self.specnumout.t[ind_leq] > t: ind_leq -= 1 if ind_geq - ind_leq < 0 or ind_geq - ind_leq > 1: raise Exception('Time indices are wrong') low_frac = 1.0 if not (ind_geq == ind_leq): low_frac = (self.specnumout.t[ind_geq] - t) / (self.specnumout.t[ind_geq] - self.specnumout.t[ind_leq]) high_frac = 1.0 - low_frac return [[ind_leq, ind_geq], [low_frac, high_frac]]
''' ==================================== Plotting methods ==================================== '''
[docs] def PlotSurfSpecVsTime(self, site_norm = 1): ''' Plot surface species profiles versus time - output in surf_spec_vs_time.png in the directory with the Zacros run :param site_norm: Normalizing factor for the coverages (e.g. nubmer of top sites). Default value if 1. ''' if site_norm == 1: ylabel = 'Species count' else: ylabel = 'Coverage' time_vecs = [] surf_spec_vecs = [] for i in range (len( self.simin.surf_spec )): time_vecs.append(self.specnumout.t) surf_spec_vecs.append(self.specnumout.spec[:,i] / float(site_norm)) PlotTimeSeries(time_vecs, surf_spec_vecs, xlab = 'Time (s)', ylab = ylabel, series_labels = self.simin.surf_spec, fname = os.path.join(self.Path, 'surf_spec_vs_time.png'))
[docs] def PlotGasSpecVsTime(self): ''' Plot gas phase species profiles versus time - output in gas_spec_vs_time.png in the directory with the Zacros run ''' time_vecs = [] gas_spec_vecs = [] for i in range(len( self.simin.gas_spec )): time_vecs.append(self.specnumout.t) gas_spec_vecs.append(self.specnumout.spec[:, i + len( self.simin.surf_spec ) ]) PlotTimeSeries(time_vecs, gas_spec_vecs, xlab = 'Time (s)', ylab = 'Spec. pop.', series_labels = self.simin.gas_spec, fname = os.path.join(self.Path, 'gas_spec_vs_time.png'))
[docs] def PlotElemStepFreqs(self, window = [0.0, 1.0], time_norm = False, site_norm = 1): ''' Plot a bar graph of elementary step frequencies versus time - output in elem_step_freqs.png in the directory with the Zacros run :param window: Beginning and ending fraction of the trajectory over which to count steps. :param time_norm: True - normalizes event frequencies by time. False - Plots total event firings. :param site_norm: Normalization factor for event frequencies. ''' start_ind = self.time_search(window[0] * self.specnumout.t[-1]) end_ind = self.time_search(window[1] * self.specnumout.t[-1]) event_freqs = ([end_ind,:] -[start_ind,:] ) / float(site_norm) if time_norm: event_freqs = event_freqs / ( self.specnumout.t[end_ind] - self.specnumout.t[start_ind] ) PlotOptions() plt.figure() width = 0.2 ind = 0 yvals = [] ylabels = [] bar_vals = [] store_ind = 0 # index of where the data is stored for rxn in self.mechin.rxn_list: for varnt in rxn.variant_list: fwd_rate = event_freqs[store_ind] store_ind += 1 bwd_rate = 0 if rxn.is_reversible: bwd_rate = event_freqs[store_ind] store_ind += 1 if fwd_rate + bwd_rate > 0: net_freq = abs(fwd_rate - bwd_rate) if fwd_rate > 0: plt.barh(ind-0.4, fwd_rate, width, color='r', log = True) bar_vals.append(fwd_rate) if bwd_rate > 0: plt.barh(ind-0.6, bwd_rate, width, color='b', log = True) bar_vals.append(bwd_rate) if net_freq > 0: plt.barh(ind-0.8, net_freq, width, color='g', log = True) bar_vals.append(net_freq) ylabels.append( + ) yvals.append(ind-0.6) ind = ind - 1 bar_vals = np.array(bar_vals) log_bar_vals = np.log10(bar_vals) xmin = 10**np.floor(np.min(log_bar_vals)) xmax = 10**np.ceil(np.max(log_bar_vals)) plt.xticks(size=20) plt.yticks(size=10) plt.xlabel('Frequency',size=24) plt.yticks(yvals, ylabels) plt.legend(['fwd','bwd','net'],loc=4,prop={'size':20},frameon=False) plt.xlim([xmin, xmax]) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.Path, 'elem_step_freqs.png')) plt.close()
[docs] def PlotLattice(self): ''' Plot the lattice - output in lattice.png in the run directory ''' if print 'Cannot plot lattice. Only text input exists.' else: plt = plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.Path, 'lattice.png')) plt.close()
[docs] def LatticeMovie(self, include_neighbor_lines = False, spec_color_list = ['b', 'g','r','c','m','y','k']): # Need make marker type consistent with the site type ''' Create a subfolder called lattice_frames Create a .png file with a picture of a lattice for every snapshot in history_output.txt include_neighbor_lines : If true, will draw lines between neighboring lattice sites (takes more time) spec_color_list : List of colors to use for different species, will cycle through if there are more species than colors ''' cart_coords = spec_label_list = self.simin.surf_spec frame_fldr = os.path.join(self.Path, 'lattice_frames') if not os.path.exists( frame_fldr ): os.makedirs( frame_fldr ) print str(self.histout.n_snapshots) + ' total snapshots' for frame_num in range(self.histout.n_snapshots): print 'Draw frame number ' + str(frame_num+1) snap = self.histout.snapshots[frame_num] plt = # plot the lattice in this frame for ind in range( len( self.simin.surf_spec ) ): # Find all coordinates with species ind occupying it x_list = [] y_list = [] for site_ind in range(cart_coords.shape[0]): # include empty sites if snap[site_ind,2] == ind+1: x_list.append(cart_coords[site_ind,0]) y_list.append(cart_coords[site_ind,1]) x = np.array(x_list) y = np.array(y_list) plt.plot(x, y, linestyle='None', marker = 'o', color = spec_color_list[ind % len(spec_color_list)], markersize = 3, label=spec_label_list[ind]) plt.title('Time: ' + str(self.histout.snap_times[frame_num]) + ' sec') plt.legend(frameon=False, loc=4) plt.savefig(os.path.join(frame_fldr, 'Snapshot_' + str(frame_num+1))) plt.close()
[docs]def append_trajectories(run1, run2): ''' Take two trajectories and append them together. :param run1: First trajectory - a kmc_traj object :param run2: Second trajectory - a kmc_traj object which continues the simulation where the first one terminated :returns: A kmc_traj object that has the trajectories appended ''' combo = copy.deepcopy(run1) combo.genout.t_final = run1.genout.t_final + run2.genout.t_final combo.genout.events_occurred = run1.genout.events_occurred + run2.genout.events_occurred combo.genout.CPU_time = run1.genout.CPU_time + run2.genout.CPU_time combo.specnumout.t = np.concatenate([run1.specnumout.t, run2.specnumout.t[1::] + run1.specnumout.t[-1] * np.ones( len(run2.specnumout.t)-1 )]) n_surf_specs = len( self.simin.surf_spec ) run2.specnumout.spec[1::, n_surf_specs : ] = run2.specnumout.spec[1::, n_surf_specs : ] +[len(run2.specnumout.t)-1 ,1]), [run1.specnumout.spec[-1, n_surf_specs : ]] ) combo.specnumout.spec = np.vstack([run1.specnumout.spec, run2.specnumout.spec[1::,:] ]) combo.prop = np.vstack([run1.prop, run2.prop[1::,:] ]) = np.vstack( [,[1::,:] +[len(run2.specnumout.t)-1 ,1]), [[-1,:]] ) ] ) combo.propCounter = np.vstack( [run1.propCounter, run2.propCounter[1::,:] +[len(run2.specnumout.t)-1 ,1]), [run1.propCounter[-1,:]] ) ] ) combo.W_sen_anal = np.vstack( [run1.W_sen_anal, run2.W_sen_anal[1::,:] +[len(run2.specnumout.t)-1 ,1]), [run1.W_sen_anal[-1,:]] ) ] ) combo.History = [ run1.History[0], run2.History[-1] ] return combo