Source code for Lattice

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Sep 13 10:59:52 2016

@author: mpnun

import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mat
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]class Lattice: ''' Class which handles the KMC lattice ''' fname_in = 'lattice_input.dat' fname_out = 'lattice_output.txt' def __init__(self): ''' Initialize class variables ''' self.text_only = True # If true, only store the text from the input file, if false, store all the complex information self.lattice_in_txt = None self.lattice_matrix = None # each row is a lattice vector self.repeat = [1,1] self.site_type_names = [] self.site_type_inds = [] self.frac_coords = [] self.cart_coords = [] self.neighbor_list = [] self.cell_list = [] # self, north, northeast, east, or southeast
[docs] def ReadIn(self, fldr): ''' Read lattice_input.dat :param fldr: Folder directory from which to read lattice_input.dat ''' self.lattice_in_txt = [] with open(os.path.join(fldr, self.fname_in),'r') as Txt: RawTxt = Txt.readlines() for i in RawTxt: self.lattice_in_txt.append(i.split('\n')[0])
[docs] def WriteIn(self, fldr): ''' Write lattice_input.dat :param fldr: Folder directory from which to read lattice_input.dat ''' if self.text_only: with open(os.path.join(fldr, self.fname_in), 'w') as txt: for i in self.lattice_in_txt: txt.write(i + '\n') else: self.Write_lattice_input(fldr)
[docs] def set_frac_coords(self, fc): ''' Set the fractional and Cartesian coordinates :param fc: n x 3 array (or list of lists) of fractional coordinates to set for each atom ''' self.frac_coords = np.array(fc) self.cart_coords = self.cart_coords =, self.lattice_matrix)
[docs] def set_cart_coords(self, cc): ''' Set the Cartesian and fractional coordinates :param fc: n x 3 array (or list of lists) of Cartesian coordinates to set for each atom ''' self.cart_coords = np.array(cc) self.frac_coords =, np.linalg.inv(self.lattice_matrix))
[docs] def coord_shift(self, a_ind, b_ind): ''' Give the coordinates of the periodic image of B which is closest to A :param a_ind: Index of atom A :param b_ind: Index of atom B ''' a_coords = self.cart_coords[ a_ind , : ] image_coords = [ self.cart_coords[ b_ind , : ] for i in range(9) ] dist_list = [None for i in range(9)] ind = 0 for we in [-1, 0, 1]: for sn in [-1, 0, 1]: image_coords[ind] = image_coords[ind] +[we, sn]), self.lattice_matrix) dist_list[ind] = np.linalg.norm( image_coords[ind] - a_coords ) ind += 1 min_d = dist_list[0] min_d_ind = 0 for i in range(1,9): if dist_list[i] < min_d: min_d = dist_list[i] min_d_ind = i return image_coords[min_d_ind]
[docs] def PlotLattice(self, cutoff = 3.0, plot_neighbs = False, type_symbols = ['o','s','^','v', '<', '>', '8', 'd', 'D', 'H', 'h', '*', 'p', '+', ',', '.', '1', '2', '3', '4', '_', 'x', '|', 0, 1, 10, 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], ms = 4): ''' :param cutoff: Maximum distance to draw connections between nearest neighbor sites. This prevents drawing line segments between sites which are neighbors only though their periodic images. :param plot_neighbs: Flag to plot line segments between lattice sites which are first nearest neighbors to each other :param type_symbols: List of symbols for each lattice site type. :param ms: Marker size :returns: pyplot object with the lattice graphed on it ''' if self.text_only: raise NameError('Lattice must be built before plotting. Use ReadAllOutput(build_lattice=True)') if self.cart_coords == []: self.cart_coords =, self.lattice_matrix) border =[[0.0,0.0],[1.0,0.0],[1.0,1.0],[0.0,1.0],[0.0,0.0]]), self.lattice_matrix) mat.rcParams['mathtext.default'] = 'regular' mat.rcParams['text.latex.unicode'] = 'False' mat.rcParams['legend.numpoints'] = 1 mat.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 2 mat.rcParams['lines.markersize'] = 12 plt.figure() plt.plot(border[:,0], border[:,1], '--k', linewidth = 2) # cell border if plot_neighbs: ind = 0 for pair in self.neighbor_list: # neighbors p1 = self.cart_coords[pair[0],:] p2 = self.cart_coords[pair[1],:] if self.cell_list[ind] == 'self': plt.plot([p1[0], p2[0]], [p1[1], p2[1]], '-k', linewidth = 1) ind += 1 for site_type in range(1, np.max(np.array(self.site_type_inds))+1 ): is_of_type = [] for site_ind in range(len(self.site_type_inds)): if self.site_type_inds[site_ind] == site_type: is_of_type.append(site_ind) plt.plot(self.cart_coords[is_of_type,0], self.cart_coords[is_of_type,1], linestyle='None', marker = type_symbols[(site_type-1) % len(type_symbols)], color = [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], markersize = ms) # sites # Choose range to plot xmin = np.min(border[:,0]) xmax = np.max(border[:,0]) delx = xmax - xmin ymin = np.min(border[:,1]) ymax = np.max(border[:,1]) dely = ymax - ymin mag = 0.1 plt.xlim([xmin - mag * delx, xmax + mag * delx]) plt.ylim([ymin - mag * dely, ymax + mag * dely]) plt.xticks(size=20) plt.yticks(size=20) plt.xlabel('x-coord (ang)',size=24) plt.ylabel('y-coord (ang)',size=24) plt.axis('equal') plt.tight_layout() return plt
[docs] def Read_lattice_output(self, fldr): ''' Read lattice_output.txt ''' with open( os.path.join(fldr, self.fname_out) ,'r') as txt: RawTxt = txt.readlines() n_sites = len(RawTxt) - 2 self.cart_coords = np.zeros([n_sites,2]) # Fill in lattice vectors self.lattice_matrix = np.zeros([2,2]) line1 = RawTxt[0].split() self.lattice_matrix[0,0] = float(line1[1]) self.lattice_matrix[0,1] = float(line1[2]) line2 = RawTxt[1].split() self.lattice_matrix[1,0] = float(line2[1]) self.lattice_matrix[1,1] = float(line2[2]) # Fill in site coordinates and neighbors self.neighbor_list = [] self.site_type_inds = [] for site_ind in range(n_sites): line = RawTxt[site_ind+2].split() self.cart_coords[site_ind,:] = [line[1], line[2]] self.site_type_inds.append(int(line[3])) neighbs = line[5::] for site_2 in neighbs: if int(site_2) > 0: # Zeros are placeholders in the output file self.neighbor_list.append([site_ind+1, int(site_2)]) # Convert to fractional coordinates self.frac_coords =, np.linalg.inv(self.lattice_matrix)) self.text_only = False
[docs] def Write_lattice_input(self, fldr): ''' Write lattice_input.dat ''' with open(os.path.join(fldr, self.fname_in), 'w') as txt: txt.write('# Lattice specification file: generated by ZacrosWrapper' + '\n\n') txt.write('lattice periodic_cell\n\n'); txt.write('cell_vectors # in row format (Angstroms)\n') txt.write('\t {0:.3f} \t'.format(self.lattice_matrix[0,0]) ) txt.write('{0:.3f} \n'.format(self.lattice_matrix[0,1]) ) txt.write('\t {0:.3f} \t'.format(self.lattice_matrix[1,0]) ) txt.write('{0:.3f} \n\n'.format(self.lattice_matrix[1,1]) ) txt.write('repeat_cell\t {} \t {} \n\n'.format(self.repeat[0],self.repeat[1])) txt.write('n_cell_sites \t {} \n'.format(len(self.site_type_inds))) txt.write('n_site_types \t {} \n'.format(len(self.site_type_names))) txt.write('site_type_names \t') for site_type in self.site_type_names: txt.write(site_type + '\t') txt.write('\n') txt.write('site_types \t') for site_type_ind in self.site_type_inds: txt.write('{} '.format(site_type_ind)) txt.write('\n\n') # Site coordinates txt.write('site_coordinates \t # fractional coordinates (x,y) in row format\n') for i in range(0, len(self.site_type_inds)): txt.write('\t {0:.5f} \t'.format(self.frac_coords[i,0])) txt.write('{0:.5f} \n'.format(self.frac_coords[i,1])) txt.write('\n') # Site neighboring structure txt.write('neighboring_structure \t # site-neighsite cell\n'); ind = 0 for pair in self.neighbor_list: txt.write('\t {}-{} {} \n'.format(pair[0]+1,pair[1]+1,self.cell_list[ind])) ind += 1 txt.write('end_neighboring_structure\n\n') txt.write('end_lattice\n') txt.close()
[docs] def Build_neighbor_list(self, cut = 3.0, cut_mat = []): # appending lists causes this method to be slow ''' Builds the neighbor list based on distances between sites :param cut: Maximum distance between nearest neighbor sites or their periodic images. :param cut_mat: List of nearest neighbor cutoff distances between different site types. If empty, it will assume the same distance for all site types. ''' # Make sure these lists are empty before we start appending self.neighbor_list = [] self.cell_list = [] # self, north, northeast, east, or southeast if self.cart_coords == []: self.cart_coords =, self.lattice_matrix) n_site_types = len(self.site_type_names) n_sites = len(self.site_type_inds) self.cart_coords =, self.lattice_matrix) if cut_mat == []: cut_mat = cut * np.ones([n_site_types, n_site_types]) # Use a matrix to have different cutoff distances for different site types # Loop through all sites for site_1 in range(n_sites): for site_2 in range(n_sites): c1 = self.cart_coords[site_1,:] c2 = self.cart_coords[site_2,:] c_2_north = c2 + self.lattice_matrix[1,:] c_2_northeast = c2 + self.lattice_matrix[0,:] + self.lattice_matrix[1,:] c_2_east = c2 + self.lattice_matrix[0,:] c_2_southeast = c2 + self.lattice_matrix[0,:] - self.lattice_matrix[1,:] if site_1 < site_2: # check self if np.linalg.norm( c1 - c2 ) < cut: self.neighbor_list.append([site_1, site_2]) self.cell_list.append('self') if np.linalg.norm( c1 - c_2_north ) < cut: self.neighbor_list.append([site_1, site_2]) self.cell_list.append('north') if np.linalg.norm( c1 - c_2_northeast ) < cut: self.neighbor_list.append([site_1, site_2]) self.cell_list.append('northeast') if np.linalg.norm( c1 - c_2_east ) < cut: self.neighbor_list.append([site_1, site_2]) self.cell_list.append('east') if np.linalg.norm( c1 - c_2_southeast ) < cut: self.neighbor_list.append([site_1, site_2]) self.cell_list.append('southeast')