Source code for RateRescaling

import numpy as np
import os
import copy

from Replicates import *
from utils import *

import matplotlib as mat
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    from mpi4py import MPI      # Import MPI if available
[docs]def ReachSteadyStateAndRescale(kmc_template, scale_parent_fldr, n_runs = 16, n_batches = 1000, acf_cut = 0.05, include_stiff_reduc = True, max_events = int(1e3), max_iterations = 30, ss_inc = 1.0, n_samples = 100, parallel_mode = 'Squidward', ACF_tol = 0.08, rate_tol = 0.05): ''' Handles rate rescaling and continuation of KMC runs :param kmc_template: kmc_traj object with information about the physical system :param scale_parent_fldr: Working directory :param n_runs: Number of trajectories to run, also the number of processors :param include_stiff_reduc: True to allow for scaledown, False to turn this feature off :param max_events: Maximum number of events for the first iteration :param max_iterations: Maximum number of iterations to use :param ss_inc: Factor to scale the final time by if you have not yet reached steady state :param n_samples: Number of time points to sample for each trajectory :param parallel_mode: MPI, Squidward, or Farber ''' if parallel_mode == 'MPI': try: COMM = MPI.COMM_WORLD COMM.Barrier() except: raise NameError('mpi4py dependency has not been imported.') prev_batch = Replicates() # Set this if the starting iteration is not 1 initial_states = None # Placeholder variables if not os.path.exists(scale_parent_fldr): os.makedirs(scale_parent_fldr) ClearFolderContents(scale_parent_fldr) SDF_vec = None # scaledown factors for each iteration # Convergence variables is_steady_state = False iteration = 1 scale_final_time = ss_inc while not is_steady_state and iteration <= max_iterations: # Make folder for iteration iter_fldr = os.path.join(scale_parent_fldr, 'Iteration_' + str(iteration)) if not os.path.exists(iter_fldr): os.makedirs(iter_fldr) # Create object for batch cur_batch = Replicates() cur_batch.ParentFolder = iter_fldr cur_batch.n_trajectories = n_runs cur_batch.N_batches = n_batches cur_batch.Set_kmc_template(kmc_template) # Set template KMC trajectory if iteration == 1: # Sample on events, because we do not know the time scales # Set sampling parameters cur_batch.runtemplate.simin.MaxStep = max_events cur_batch.runtemplate.simin.SimTime_Max = 'inf' cur_batch.runtemplate.simin.WallTime_Max = 'inf' cur_batch.runtemplate.simin.restart = False cur_batch.runtemplate.simin.procstat = ['event', np.max( [max_events / n_samples, 1] ) ] cur_batch.runtemplate.simin.specnum = ['event', np.max( [max_events / n_samples, 1] ) ] cur_batch.runtemplate.simin.hist = ['event', np.max( [max_events * (n_samples-1) / n_samples, 1] )] # only record the initial and final states SDF_vec = np.ones( cur_batch.runtemplate.mechin.get_num_rxns() ) # Initialize scaledown factors elif iteration > 1: # Time sampling # Change sampling cur_batch.runtemplate.simin.MaxStep = 'inf' cur_batch.runtemplate.simin.WallTime_Max = 'inf' cur_batch.runtemplate.simin.restart = False cur_batch.runtemplate.simin.SimTime_Max = prev_batch.t_vec[-1] * scale_final_time cur_batch.runtemplate.simin.SimTime_Max = float('{0:.3E} \t'.format( cur_batch.runtemplate.simin.SimTime_Max )) # round to 4 significant figures cur_batch.runtemplate.simin.procstat = ['time', cur_batch.runtemplate.simin.SimTime_Max / n_samples] cur_batch.runtemplate.simin.specnum = ['time', cur_batch.runtemplate.simin.SimTime_Max / n_samples] cur_batch.runtemplate.simin.hist = ['time', cur_batch.runtemplate.simin.SimTime_Max ] # Adjust pre-exponential factors based on the stiffness assessment of the previous iteration if include_stiff_reduc: cur_batch.runtemplate.AdjustPreExponentials(SDF_vec) # Use continuation initial_states = prev_batch.History_final_snaps # Run jobs and read output if parallel_mode == 'MPI': if COMM.rank == 0: cur_batch.BuildJobFiles(init_states = initial_states) # Collect whatever has to be done in a list. Here we'll just collect a list of # numbers. Only the first rank has to do this. if COMM.rank == 0: jobs = cur_batch.run_dirs jobs = [jobs[_i::COMM.size] for _i in range(COMM.size)] # Split into however many cores are available. else: jobs = None jobs = COMM.scatter(jobs, root=0) # Scatter jobs across cores. # Now each rank just does its jobs and collects everything in a results list. # Make sure to not use super big objects in there as they will be pickled to be # exchanged over MPI. for job in jobs: cur_batch.runtemplate.Path = job cur_batch.runtemplate.Run_sim() else: cur_batch.BuildJobFiles(init_states = initial_states) cur_batch.RunAllTrajectories_JobArray(server = parallel_mode, job_name = 'Iteration_' + str(iteration) ) cur_batch.ReadMultipleRuns() if iteration == 1: cum_batch = copy.deepcopy(cur_batch) else: cum_batch = append_replicates(prev_batch, cur_batch) # combine with previous data # Test steady-state cum_batch.AverageRuns() acf_data = cum_batch.Compute_rate() print '\nIteration ' + str(iteration) print 'Batches per trajectory: ' + str(cum_batch.Nbpt) print 'Batch length (s): ' + str(cum_batch.batch_length) print 'Rate: ' + str(cum_batch.rate) print 'Rate confidence interval: ' + str(cum_batch.rate_CI) print 'Autocorrelation: ' + str(cum_batch.ACF) print 'Autocorrelation confidence: ' + str(cum_batch.ACF_CI) # Test if autocorrelation function has converged if cum_batch.ACF is None: decorrelated = False else: decorrelated = ( cum_batch.ACF + cum_batch.ACF_CI < ACF_tol) # Test if rate is computed with sufficient accuracy if cum_batch.rate == 0: rate_accurate = False else: rate_accurate = (cum_batch.rate_CI / cum_batch.rate < rate_tol) print 'Decorrelated? ' + str(decorrelated) print 'Rate accurate? ' + str(rate_accurate) print '\n' is_steady_state = decorrelated and rate_accurate # Record information about the iteration cum_batch.runAvg.PlotGasSpecVsTime() cum_batch.runAvg.PlotSurfSpecVsTime() cur_batch.AverageRuns() cur_batch.runAvg.PlotElemStepFreqs() scaledown_data = ProcessStepFreqs(cur_batch.runAvg) # compute change in scaledown factors based on simulation result delta_sdf = scaledown_data['delta_sdf'] # Update scaledown factors for ind in range(len(SDF_vec)): SDF_vec[ind] = SDF_vec[ind] * delta_sdf[ind] scale_final_time = np.max( [1.0/np.min(delta_sdf), ss_inc] ) prev_batch = copy.deepcopy(cum_batch) iteration += 1 return cum_batch
[docs]def ProcessStepFreqs(run, stiff_cut = 100.0, delta = 0.05, equilib_cut = 0.1): # Change to allow for irreversible reactions ''' Takes an average KMC trajectory and assesses the reaction frequencies to identify fast reactions Process KMC output and determine how to further scale down reactions Uses algorithm from A. Chatterjee, A.F. Voter, Accurate acceleration of kinetic Monte Carlo simulations through the modification of rate constants, J. Chem. Phys. 132 (2010) 194101. ''' delta_sdf = np.ones( run.mechin.get_num_rxns() ) # initialize the marginal scaledown factors rxn_speeds = [] # data analysis freqs =[-1,:] fwd_freqs = freqs[0::2] bwd_freqs = freqs[1::2] net_freqs = fwd_freqs - bwd_freqs tot_freqs = fwd_freqs + bwd_freqs fast_rxns = [] slow_rxns = [] for i in range(len(tot_freqs)): if tot_freqs[i] == 0: slow_rxns.append(i) rxn_speeds.append('slow') else: PE = float(net_freqs[i]) / tot_freqs[i] if np.abs(PE) < equilib_cut: fast_rxns.append(i) rxn_speeds.append('fast') else: slow_rxns.append(i) rxn_speeds.append('slow') # Find slow scale rate slow_freqs = [1.0] # put an extra 1 in case no slow reactions occur for i in slow_rxns: slow_freqs.append(tot_freqs[i]) slow_scale = np.max(slow_freqs) # Adjust fast reactions closer to the slow scale for i in fast_rxns: N_f = tot_freqs[i] / float(slow_scale) # number of fast events per rare event #alpha_UB = N_f * delta / np.log(1 / delta) + 1 # Chatterjee formula #delta_sdf[i] = np.min([1.0, np.max([stiff_cut / N_f, 1. / alpha_UB ]) ]) delta_sdf[i] = np.min([1.0, stiff_cut / N_f ]) return {'delta_sdf': delta_sdf, 'rxn_speeds': rxn_speeds, 'tot': tot_freqs, 'net': net_freqs}
[docs]def ReadScaledown(RunPath, fldrs_cut = None, product = None, n_batches = 1000): ''' Read a scaledown that has already been run ''' # Prepare data to graph batch_lengths = [] rates_vec = [] rates_vec_ci = [] acf_vec = [] acf_vec_ci = [] # Count the iterations n_folders = len(os.listdir(RunPath)) if not fldrs_cut is None: n_folders = fldrs_cut print str(n_folders) + ' iterations found' cum_batch = None for ind in range(1,n_folders+1): x = Replicates() x.ParentFolder = os.path.join(RunPath, 'Iteration_' + str(ind)) x.ReadMultipleRuns() if ind == 1: cum_batch = x else: cum_batch = append_replicates(cum_batch, x) cum_batch.N_batches = n_batches cum_batch.gas_product = product acf_data = cum_batch.Compute_rate() print 'Iteration ' + str(ind) print 'Batches per trajectory: ' + str(cum_batch.Nbpt) print 'Batch length (s): ' + str(cum_batch.batch_length) print 'Rate: ' + str(cum_batch.rate) print 'Rate confidence interval: ' + str(cum_batch.rate_CI) print 'Autocorrelation: ' + str(cum_batch.ACF) print 'Autocorrelation confidence: ' + str(cum_batch.ACF_CI) print '\n' batch_lengths.append(cum_batch.batch_length) rates_vec.append(cum_batch.rate) rates_vec_ci.append(cum_batch.rate_CI) acf_vec.append(cum_batch.ACF) acf_vec_ci.append(cum_batch.ACF_CI) print batch_lengths print rates_vec print rates_vec_ci print acf_vec print acf_vec_ci return cum_batch