Quantity Class



Represents a quantity with units


Helper class for defining specific units for unit parsing.


A Quantity object can represent most physical quantities as it is based on elementary units:

  • length

  • mass

  • time

  • temperature

  • amount

  • electric current

  • light intensity

A Quantity object can be created manually if one knows the magnitude and the corresponding SI base units. Below we initialize a volumetric flow rate to be 10 m3/s.

>>> from vunits.quantity import Quantity
>>> vol_flow_rate = Quantity(mag=10., m=3., s=-1)

However, the most convenient way to create Quantity objects is by using from_units.

>>> vol_flow_rate = Quantity.from_units(10., 'm3/s')

See the unit database for supported units. Prefixes (such as ‘k’ for kilo or ‘m’ for milli) are also supported. Units should be separated by spaces (‘ ‘) or forward slashes (‘/’). Powers can be specified by appending a number with or without a tilda (‘^’). Below, we show statements using from_units that create the same object as above.

>>> vol_flow_rate = Quantity.from_units(10., 'm^3 s-1')
>>> vol_flow_rate = Quantity.from_units(10000., 'cm^3/ms')

Unit Conversions

Unit conversions are all handled internally. After a Quantity object is created, you can specify any equivalent unit by passing the desired unit as a string. For example, below we convert vol_flow_rate to ft3/hr.

>>> vol_flow_rate('ft3/min')

Units can be compounded as long as the net dimension is equivalent.

>>> vol_flow_rate('mile ft km/day')

Converting the object to a string (using str) will give the magnitude and SI base units.

>>> str(vol_flow_rate)
'10.0 m^3 s^-1'

An error message will print out if the inputted units are not compatible with the dimensions.

>>> vol_flow_rate('kg/m3')
ValueError: Unit conversion not possible due to incompatibility between
object's units, 10.0 m^3 s^-1, and requested units, 1.0 m^-3 kg.

Calling the object without a desired unit set will return the magnitude in SI units.

>>> vol_flow_rate()

Using int or float will convert the magnitude to the corresponding type.

>>> int(vol_flow_rate)
>>> float(vol_flow_rate)


Quantity objects support arithmetic (+, -, *, /, **) and logical operations (<, >, <=, >=, ==).

Addition and Subtraction

All unit conversions are done under the hood, allowing two Quantity to be added or subtracted. Below, we add two volumetric rates.

>>> vol_rate1 = Quantity.from_units(1., 'mol/cm3/s')
>>> vol_rate2 = Quantity.from_units(7200., 'mol/cm3/hr') # 2 mol/cm3/s
>>> net_vol_rate = vol_rate1 + vol_rate2
>>> net_vol_rate('mol/cm3/s')

Addition and subtraction are only valid if the dimensions agree. Below, we try to add a surface rate to a volumetric rate and it throws an error.

>>> surf_rate = Quantity.from_units(1., 'mol/cm2/s')
>>> bad_sum = vol_rate1 + surf_rate
TypeError: Addition incompatible due to different units,
999999.9999999999 m^-3 s^-1 mol and 10000.0 m^-2 s^-1 mol.

Similarly, an error will be raised if simple numerical types are added to Quantity object with units.

>>> vol_flow_rate + 1.
TypeError: Addition incompatible due to different units,
999999.9999999999 m^-3 s^-1 mol and 1.

However, if the Quantity object is dimensionless, no error will be thrown but the result will be another Quantity object. Use (), float(), or int() to convert to the desired type.

>>> ratio = Quantity(0.5)
>>> # Adding a float to Quantity will return a Quantity object
>>> new_ratio = ratio + 0.2
<vunits.quantity.Quantity object at 0x000002DFCD2364A8>
>>> # Access the magnitude by calling object or using float
>>> new_ratio()
>>> float(new_ratio)

Multiplication and Division

Multiplying and dividing units will apply the appropriate operations to the units. Below, we calculate the standard molar volume by importing constants (which are also Quantity objects).

>>> from vunits.constants import R, T0, P0
>>> # Standard temperature
>>> print(T0)
298.15 K
>>> # Standard pressure
>>> print(P0)
100000.0 m^-1.0 kg s^-2.0
>>> # Calculate standard molar volume
>>> V0 = R*T0/P0
>>> print(V0)
0.024789561893699998 m^3.0 mol^-1.0

Multiplying by simpler Python types (like float) will result in the magnitude changing but remember that unless a unit set is called, it will return a Quantity object.

>>> str(100*V0)
'2.47895618937 m^3 mol^-1'
>>> 100*V0
<vunits.quantity.Quantity object at 0x000002DFCD276DD8>


Similarly to multiplying and dividing, the power operator (**) will handle unit conversions appropriately. Below we square the volumetric flow rate from the unit conversion section.

>>> str(vol_flow_rate**2)
'100.0 m^6 s^-2'


Most of the logical operations (<, >, <=, =>) will only return without errors if the units are equivalent.

>>> vol_rate1 > vol_rate2
>>> vol_rate1 < vol_rate2
>>> vol_rate1 >= vol_rate2
>>> vol_rate1 <= vol_rate2
>>> # Error raised for different types
>>> vol_rate1 > surf_rate
TypeError: Greater than operation incompatible due to different units,
999999.9999999999 m^-3 s^-1 mol and 10000.0 m^-2 s^-1 mol.

However, the equality operators (==, !=), will return never throw errors. If both are Quantity objects, the units and magnitude are compared. A dimensionless Quantity object can be compared to elementary types (e.g. float). In this case, the magnitudes are compared.

>>> vol_rate1 == vol_rate1
>>> # Different magnitudes result in False
>>> vol_rate1 == vol_rate2
>>> # Different units result in False
>>> vol_rate1 == surf_rate
>>> # Different types result in False
>>> vol_rate1 == 1.
>>> vol_rate1 != 1.

If the Quantity object is dimensionless, logical operators will compare the magnitude.

>>> # From previous section, ratio = Quantity(0.5)
>>> ratio > 0.6
>>> ratio < 0.6
>>> ratio == 0.6
>>> ratio == 0.5
>>> ratio != 0.6