Reading/writing Zacros input/output

class IO_data.Cluster[source]

Cluster in energetics_input.dat

class IO_data.ClusterIn[source]

Handles data from energetics_input.dat


Method finds the Cluster and Variant index of the nth Cluster-Variant where n is specified by Cluster_Num and the indices are returned as C.index (Cluster) and V.index (Variant) such that Cluster[C_index].variant_name[V_index] represents the name of the nth Cluster-Variant


Read energetics_input.dat


Write energetics_input.dat

class IO_data.HistoryOut[source]

Handles data from history_output.txt

ReadOut(fldr, nSites)[source]

Read history_output.txt fldr: name of the folder containting the file nSites: number of lattice sites, obtained from lattice_output.txt

class IO_data.MechanismIn[source]

Handles input from mechanism_input.dat

CalcThermo(fldr, T)[source]

Calculate the forward activation energy, forward and reverse pre-exponential factors and the PE-ratio for each reaction described in Mechanism_input.dat using an input file with energies and vibrational frequencies for all species and transition states

Assumes that each reaction has only 1 variant (MPN)


Method finds the Reaction and Variant index of the nth Reaction-Variant where n is specified by Cluster_Num and the indices are returned as R.index (Reaction) and V.index (Variant) such that Reaction[R_index].variant_name[V_index] represents the name of the nth Reaction-Variant


Read mechanism_input.dat


Write mechanism_input.dat

class IO_data.PerformanceOut[source]

Handles data from general_output.txt

ReadOut(fldr, surf_spec_names, gas_spec_names)[source]

Read general_output.txt

class IO_data.ProcstatOut[source]

Handles data from procstat_output.txt


Read procstat_output.txt

class IO_data.Reaction[source]

Reaction in mechanism_input.dat

IO_data.Read_propensities(path, nRxn)[source]

Read propenisty data from output files. The initial time point: At t = 0 or after 0 events is wrong because it is recorded before the first propensities are calculated. Instead, they are erroneously all zeros and should not be used for averaging. The rest are correct.

Parameters:Mode – 0 - Read Prop_output.bin, instantaneous propensities 1 - Read PropCounter_output.bin, time integrated propensities used for accurate time averages
Returns:Matrix of time integrated surface species populations
IO_data.Read_time_integrated_propensities(path, nRxn)[source]

Read propenisty data from output files. The initial time point: At t = 0 or after 0 events is wrong because it is recorded before the first propensities are calculated. Instead, they are erroneously all zeros and should not be used for averaging. The rest are correct.

Parameters:Mode – 0 - Read Prop_output.bin, instantaneous propensities 1 - Read PropCounter_output.bin, time integrated propensities used for accurate time averages
Returns:Matrix of time integrated surface species populations
IO_data.Read_time_integrated_site_props(path, nSites, nRxn, nSnaps)[source]

Read time integrated site propensities

Returns:List of [nSites x nRxn] matrices, one for each snapshot
IO_data.Read_time_integrated_species(path, n_surf_specs)[source]

Read time integrated species counts

Returns:Matrix of time integrated surface species populations
IO_data.Read_trajectory_derivatives(path, nRxn)[source]

Read SA_output.bin - get trajectory derivatives for use in likelihood ratio sensitivity analysis

Returns:Matrix of trajectory derivatives
class IO_data.SimIn[source]

Handles input from simulation_input.dat


Read simulation_input.dat


Write simulation_input.dat

class IO_data.SpecnumOut[source]

Handles data from specnum_output.txt


Read specnum_output.txt

class IO_data.StateIn[source]

Handles input from state_input.dat


Read state_input.dat

WriteIn(fldr, surf_spec)[source]

Write state_input.dat

class IO_data.cluster_variant[source]

Variant of a cluster in energetics_input.dat

class IO_data.rxn_variant[source]

Variant of a reaction in mechanism_input.dat