Source code for IO_data

import os
import numpy as np
import re as _re
import random as _random
import linecache as _linecache

from utils import constant as _c
from utils import ReadWithoutBlankLines as _ReadWithoutBlankLines
from utils import ReturnUnique as _ReturnUnique
from utils import rawbigcount as _rawbigcount

    import DFT_to_Thermochemistry as _thermo

 Class definitions for:

     Zacros input file      Class name
     -----------------      ------------
     simulation_input.dat   SimIn
     energetics_input.dat   ClusterIn
     mechanism_input.dat    MechanismIn
     lattice_input.dat      LatticeIn
     state_input.dat        StateIn

     Zacros output file    Class name
     ------------------    ------------
     general_output.txt    Performance
     history_output.txt    History
     procstat_output.txt   Procstat
     specnum_output.txt    SpecnumOut

============ Classes to handle input files ============

[docs]class SimIn(): ''' Handles input from simulation_input.dat ''' fname = 'simulation_input.dat' def __init__(self): self.TPD = False # flag for temperature programmed desorption (TPD) mode self.TPD_start = None self.TPD_ramp = None self.T = None self.P = None self.gas_spec = [] self.n_gas = 0 self.gas_eng = [] self.gas_MW = [] self.gas_molfrac = [] self.surf_spec = [] self.surf_dent = [] self.Seed = None self.restart = True self.WallTime_Max = None self.MaxStep = None self.SimTime_Max = None self.hist = None
[docs] def ReadIn(self, fldr): ''' Read simulation_input.dat ''' with open(os.path.join(fldr, self.fname), 'r') as txt: RawTxt = txt.readlines() for i in RawTxt: if len(i.split()) > 0: if i[0] != '#': i = i.split('#')[0] # Don't parse comments if i.split()[0] == 'temperature': if i.split()[1] == 'ramp': self.TPD = True self.TPD_start = np.float(i.split()[2]) self.TPD_ramp = np.float(i.split()[3]) else: self.T = np.float(i.split()[1]) elif i.split()[0] == 'pressure': self.P = np.float(i.split()[1]) elif i.split()[0] == 'random_seed': self.Seed =[1]) elif i.split()[0] == 'no_restart': self.restart = False elif i.split()[0] == 'gas_specs_names': self.gas_spec = i.split()[1:] self.n_gas = len(self.gas_spec) elif i.split()[0] == 'gas_energies': for j in i.split()[1:]: self.gas_eng.append(np.float(j)) elif i.split()[0] == 'gas_molec_weights': for j in i.split()[1:]: self.gas_MW.append(np.float(j)) elif i.split()[0] == 'gas_molar_fracs': for j in i.split()[1:]: self.gas_molfrac.append(np.float(j)) elif i.split()[0] == 'surf_specs_names': self.surf_spec = i.split()[1:] self.n_surf = len(self.surf_spec) elif i.split()[0] == 'surf_specs_dent': for j in i.split()[1:]: self.surf_dent.append( elif i.split()[0] == 'event_report': self.event = i.split()[1] elif i.split()[0] == 'snapshots': self.hist = StateInc(i) elif i.split()[0] == 'process_statistics': self.procstat = StateInc(i) elif i.split()[0] == 'species_numbers': self.specnum = StateInc(i) elif i.split()[0] == 'max_time': if i.split()[1] == 'infinity': self.SimTime_Max = 'inf' else: self.SimTime_Max =\ np.float(i.split()[1]) elif i.split()[0] == 'max_steps': if i.split()[1] == 'infinity': self.MaxStep = 'inf' else: self.MaxStep = int(i.split()[1]) elif i.split()[0] == 'wall_time': self.WallTime_Max =[1]) elif i.split()[0] == 'finish' or\ i.split()[0] == 'n_gas_species' or\ i.split()[0] == 'n_surf_species': pass
[docs] def WriteIn(self, fldr): ''' Write simulation_input.dat ''' with open(os.path.join(fldr, self.fname), 'w') as txt: SeedTxt = '' if self.Seed is None: _random.seed() self.Seed = _random.randint(10000, 99999) SeedTxt = '# Random seed from Python wrapper' txt.write('#KMC simulation specification\n\n') txt.write('{:20}{:15}{}\n\n'.format('random_seed', str(self.Seed), SeedTxt)) # Write out temperature, which depends on TPD or constant temperature mode if self.TPD: txt.write('{:20}{:5.1f}{:5.1f}\n'.format('temperature\t ramp', self.TPD_start, self.TPD_ramp)) else: txt.write('{:20}{:5.1f}\n'.format('temperature', self.T)) txt.write('{:20}{:5.5e}\n\n'.format('pressure', self.P)) txt.write('{:20}{}\n'.format('n_gas_species', str(self.n_gas))) txt.write('{:20}'.format('gas_specs_names')) for i in range(0, self.n_gas): txt.write('{:15}'.format(self.gas_spec[i])) GasList = ['gas_energies', 'gas_molec_weights', 'gas_molar_fracs'] GasList2 = ['gas_eng', 'gas_MW', 'gas_molfrac'] for j in range(0, len(GasList)): txt.write('\n{:20}'.format(GasList[j])) for i in range(0, self.n_gas): txt.write('{:15}'.format(str(getattr(self, GasList2[j])[i]))) txt.write('\n\n{:20}{}\n'.format('n_surf_species', str(self.n_surf))) txt.write('{:20}'.format('surf_specs_names')) for i in range(0, self.n_surf): txt.write('{:15}'.format(self.surf_spec[i])) txt.write('\n{:20}'.format('surf_specs_dent')) for i in range(0, self.n_surf): txt.write('{:15}'.format(str(self.surf_dent[i]))) txt.write('\n\n') if self.hist is None: txt.write('{:20}{}\n'.format('snapshots', 'off')) elif self.hist[0] == 'event': txt.write('{:20}{} {} {}\n'.format('snapshots', 'on', self.hist[0], str(int(self.hist[1])))) elif self.hist[0] == 'time': txt.write('{:20}{} {} {}\n'.format('snapshots', 'on', self.hist[0], str(np.float(self.hist[1])))) if self.procstat[0] == 'off': txt.write('process_statistics off\n') elif self.procstat[0] == 'event': txt.write('{:20}{} {} {}\n'.format('process_statistics', 'on', self.procstat[0], str(int(self.procstat[1])))) elif self.procstat[0] == 'time': txt.write('{:20}{} {} {}\n'.format('process_statistics', 'on', self.procstat[0], str(np.float(self.procstat[1])))) if self.specnum[0] == 'off': txt.write('species_numbers off\n') elif self.specnum[0] == 'event': txt.write('{:20}{} {} {}\n'.format('species_numbers', 'on', self.specnum[0], str(int(self.specnum[1])))) elif self.specnum[0] == 'time': txt.write('{:20}{} {} {}\n'.format('species_numbers', 'on', self.specnum[0], str(np.float(self.specnum[1])))) txt.write('{:20}{}\n\n'.format('event_report', self.event)) if self.MaxStep is None or\'inf', str(self.MaxStep)): txt.write('{:20}{}\n'.format('max_steps', 'infinity')) else: txt.write('{:20}{}\n'.format('max_steps', str(self.MaxStep))) if self.SimTime_Max is None or\'inf', str(self.SimTime_Max)): txt.write('{:20}{}\n'.format('max_time', 'infinity\n')) else: txt.write('{:20}{}\n'.format('max_time', str(self.SimTime_Max))) if self.WallTime_Max is None or\'inf', str(self.WallTime_Max)): txt.write('\n') else: txt.write('\n{:20}{}\n\n'.format('wall_time', str(self.WallTime_Max))) if not self.restart: txt.write('no_restart\n') txt.write('finish\n')
[docs]class Cluster(): ''' Cluster in energetics_input.dat ''' def __init__(self): = None self.variant_list = [] self.sites = None self.neighboring = None self.latstate = None
[docs]class cluster_variant(): ''' Variant of a cluster in energetics_input.dat ''' def __init__(self): = '' self.site_types = None self.graph_multiplicity = 1 self.cluster_eng = 0.0
[docs]class ClusterIn(object): ''' Handles data from energetics_input.dat ''' fname = 'energetics_input.dat' def __init__(self): self.cluster_list = []
[docs] def FindCluster(self, Cluster_Num): # FIX THIS METHOD ''' Method finds the Cluster and Variant index of the nth Cluster-Variant where n is specified by Cluster_Num and the indices are returned as C.index (Cluster) and V.index (Variant) such that Cluster[C_index].variant_name[V_index] represents the name of the nth Cluster-Variant ''' Cluster_Num = int(Cluster_Num) Tvariants = sum(s.nVariant for s in self.cluster_list) if Tvariants >= Cluster_Num and Cluster_Num >= 1: var = [] for s in self.cluster_list: var.append(s.nVariant) var = np.array(var) C_index = np.argmin(var.cumsum() < Cluster_Num) V_index = Cluster_Num - sum(var[0:C_index]) - 1 else: C_index = V_index = -1 return(C_index, V_index)
def get_num_clusters(self): n_clusters = 0 for clustr in self.cluster_list: for varnt in clustr.variant_list: n_clusters += 1 return n_clusters
[docs] def ReadIn(self, fldr): ''' Read energetics_input.dat ''' RawTxt = _ReadWithoutBlankLines(os.path.join(fldr, self.fname), CommentLines=False) nLines = len(RawTxt) nClusters = 0 for i in range(0, nLines): if RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'cluster': nClusters += 1 ClusterInd = np.array([ [0, 0] ] * nClusters) Count = 0 for i in range(0, nLines): if RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'cluster': ClusterInd[Count, 0] = i if RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'end_cluster': ClusterInd[Count, 1] = i Count += 1 nClusterTotal = 0 self.cluster_list = [Cluster() for j in range(nClusters)] # Loop through all clusters for j in range(nClusters): self.cluster_list[j].name = RawTxt[ClusterInd[j, 0]].split()[1] n_variants = 0 for i in range(ClusterInd[j, 0] + 1, ClusterInd[j, 1]): if RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'variant': n_variants += 1 elif RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'sites': self.cluster_list[j].sites = int(RawTxt[i].split()[1]) elif RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'neighboring': self.cluster_list[j].neighboring = RawTxt[i].split()[1:] elif RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'lattice_state': self.cluster_list[j].latstate = RawTxt[i + 1:i + 1 + self.cluster_list[j].sites] for k in range(0, len(self.cluster_list[j].latstate)): self.cluster_list[j].latstate[k] =\ self.cluster_list[j].latstate[k].split('\n')[0] nClusterTotal += n_variants # Find beginning and ending lines for each variant if n_variants == 0: n_variants = 1 variantInd = np.array([[0, 0]]*n_variants) variantInd[0, 0] = ClusterInd[j, 0] + 1 variantInd[0, 1] = ClusterInd[j, 1] else: variantInd = np.array([[0, 0]]*n_variants) Count = 0 for i in range(ClusterInd[j, 0]+1, ClusterInd[j, 1]): if RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'variant': variantInd[Count, 0] = i if RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'end_variant': variantInd[Count, 1] = i Count += 1 self.cluster_list[j].variant_list = [cluster_variant() for k in range(n_variants)] # Loop through all variants for this cluster for k in range(n_variants): for i in range(variantInd[k, 0], variantInd[k, 1]): if RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'variant': self.cluster_list[j].variant_list[k].name = RawTxt[i].split()[1] elif RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'site_types': self.cluster_list[j].variant_list[k].site_types = RawTxt[i].split()[1:] elif RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'graph_multiplicity': self.cluster_list[j].variant_list[k].graph_multiplicity = int(RawTxt[i].split()[1]) elif RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'cluster_eng': self.cluster_list[j].variant_list[k].cluster_eng = float(RawTxt[i].split()[1])
[docs] def WriteIn(self, fldr): ''' Write energetics_input.dat ''' with open(os.path.join(fldr, self.fname), 'w') as txt: txt.write('energetics\n\n') for clustr in self.cluster_list: txt.write('#'*80 + '\n\n') txt.write('cluster ' + + '\n\n') txt.write(' sites ' + str(clustr.sites) + '\n') if not clustr.neighboring is None: # None when there is a point cluster txt.write(' neighboring') for j in range(0, len(clustr.neighboring)): txt.write(' ' + clustr.neighboring[j]) txt.write('\n') txt.write(' lattice_state\n') for j in range(0, int(clustr.sites)): txt.write(clustr.latstate[j] + '\n') txt.write('\n') for varnt in clustr.variant_list: txt.write(' {} {}\n'.format('variant', )) txt.write(' {:25}'.format('site_types')) for k in range( len(varnt.site_types )): txt.write('{} '.format (varnt.site_types[k])) txt.write('\n') if int(varnt.graph_multiplicity ) > 0: txt.write(' {:25}{}\n'.format('graph_multiplicity', str(varnt.graph_multiplicity ))) txt.write(' {:25}{}\n'.format('cluster_eng', str(varnt.cluster_eng))) txt.write(' end_variant\n\n') txt.write('end_cluster\n\n') txt.write('#'*80 + '\n\n') txt.write('\n\nend_energetics')
[docs]class Reaction(): ''' Reaction in mechanism_input.dat ''' def __init__(self): = None self.is_reversible = True self.gas_reacs_prods = None self.sites = None self.neighboring = None self.initial = None = None self.variant_list = []
[docs]class rxn_variant(): ''' Variant of a reaction in mechanism_input.dat ''' def __init__(self): = '' self.site_types = None # site types self.pre_expon = None # pre-exponential factor self.pe_ratio = None # partial equilibrium ratio self.activ_eng = 0.0 # activation energy self.prox_factor = 0.5 self.scaledown_factor = 1.0
[docs]class MechanismIn(object): ''' Handles input from mechanism_input.dat ''' fname = 'mechanism_input.dat' def __init__(self): self.rxn_list = [] self.include_scaledown = False def get_num_rxns(self): n_rxns = 0 for i in self.rxn_list: n_rxns += len( i.variant_list ) return n_rxns def get_rxn_var_inds(self, rxn_ind): ind = 0 for i in range(len(self.rxn_list)): for j in range(len( self.rxn_list[i].variant_list )): if ind == rxn_ind: return [i,j] ind +=1
[docs] def FindReaction(self, Reaction_Num): # FIX THIS METHOD ''' Method finds the Reaction and Variant index of the nth Reaction-Variant where n is specified by Cluster_Num and the indices are returned as R.index (Reaction) and V.index (Variant) such that Reaction[R_index].variant_name[V_index] represents the name of the nth Reaction-Variant ''' Reaction_Num = int(Reaction_Num) Tvariants = sum(s.nVariant for s in self.Reaction) if Tvariants >= Reaction_Num and Reaction_Num >= 1: var = [] for s in self.Reaction: var.append(s.nVariant) var = np.array(var) R_index = np.argmin(var.cumsum() < Reaction_Num) V_index = Reaction_Num - sum(var[0:R_index]) - 1 else: R_index = V_index = -1 return(R_index, V_index)
[docs] def ReadIn(self, fldr): ''' Read mechanism_input.dat ''' RawTxt = _ReadWithoutBlankLines(os.path.join(fldr, self.fname), CommentLines=True) nLines = len(RawTxt) StiffCorrLine = -1 self.rxn_list = [] n_rxns = 0 for i in range(nLines): if RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'reversible_step': self.rxn_list.append( Reaction() ) n_rxns += 1 elif RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'step': self.rxn_list.append( Reaction() ) self.rxn_list[-1].is_reversible = False n_rxns += 1 elif'# Automated stiffness reconditioning employed', RawTxt[i]): StiffCorrLine = i self.include_scaledown = True if StiffCorrLine != -1: scaledown_factor_list = [np.float(i) for i in RawTxt[StiffCorrLine+2].split(':')[1].split()] # Identify which lines of text are for each reaction MechInd = np.array([[0, 0]]*n_rxns) Count = 0 for i in range(nLines): if RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'reversible_step' or RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'step': MechInd[Count, 0] = i elif RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'end_reversible_step': MechInd[Count, 1] = i Count += 1 elif RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'end_step': MechInd[Count, 1] = i Count += 1 all_rxn_ind = 0 # Use this index to assign scaledown factors # Loop over list of recations for j in range(n_rxns): # Count the variants self.rxn_list[j].name = RawTxt[MechInd[j, 0]].split()[1] n_variants = 0 InVariant = False StateLine = [] for i in range(MechInd[j, 0] + 1, MechInd[j, 1]): if RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'variant': n_variants += 1 InVariant = True elif RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'end_variant': InVariant = False elif RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'gas_reacs_prods': self.rxn_list[j].gas_reacs_prods = RawTxt[i].split()[1:] elif RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'sites': nSites = int(RawTxt[i].split()[1]) self.rxn_list[j].sites = nSites elif RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'neighboring': self.rxn_list[j].neighboring = RawTxt[i].split()[1:] elif RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'initial': self.rxn_list[j].initial = [] LatState = RawTxt[i+1:i+1+nSites] for k in range(0, len(LatState)): self.rxn_list[j].initial.\ append(LatState[k].split('\n')[0]) for k in range(0, nSites): StateLine.append(i+1+k) elif RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'final': self.rxn_list[j].final = [] LatState = RawTxt[i + 1:i + 1 + nSites] for k in range(0, len(LatState)): self.rxn_list[j].final.\ append(LatState[k].split('\n')[0]) for k in range(0, nSites): StateLine.append(i+1+k) if n_variants == 0: # There are no variants, just one version of the reaction #raise NameError('No variants for reaction: ' + self.rxn_list[j].name) n_variants = 1 # Find the beginning and end of the reaction information variantInd = np.array([[0, 0]]*n_variants) variantInd[0, 0] = MechInd[j, 0] + 1 variantInd[0, 1] = MechInd[j, 1] else: # Find beginning and ending lines for each variant variantInd = np.array([[0, 0]]*n_variants) Count = 0 for i in range(MechInd[j, 0] + 1, MechInd[j, 1]): if RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'variant': variantInd[Count, 0] = i if RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'end_variant': variantInd[Count, 1] = i Count += 1 self.rxn_list[j].variant_list = [ rxn_variant() for i in range(n_variants) ] # Loop over list of recation variants for k in range( n_variants ): for i in range(variantInd[k, 0], variantInd[k, 1]): if RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'variant': self.rxn_list[j].variant_list[k].name = RawTxt[i].split()[1] elif RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'site_types': self.rxn_list[j].variant_list[k].site_types = RawTxt[i].split()[1:] elif RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'pre_expon': self.rxn_list[j].variant_list[k].pre_expon = float(RawTxt[i].split()[1]) elif RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'pe_ratio': self.rxn_list[j].variant_list[k].pe_ratio = float(RawTxt[i].split()[1]) elif RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'activ_eng': self.rxn_list[j].variant_list[k].activ_eng = float(RawTxt[i].split()[1]) elif RawTxt[i].split()[0] == 'prox_factor': self.rxn_list[j].variant_list[k].prox_factor = float(RawTxt[i].split()[1]) elif RawTxt[i].split()[0] == '#': pass # If there is no variant, it does not have an extra name if self.rxn_list[j].variant_list[k].name is None: self.rxn_list[j].variant_list[k].name = '' # Assign scaledown factor if it is present if StiffCorrLine != -1: self.rxn_list[j].variant_list[k].scaledown_factor = scaledown_factor_list[all_rxn_ind] all_rxn_ind += 1
[docs] def WriteIn(self, fldr): ''' Write mechanism_input.dat ''' with open(os.path.join(fldr, self.fname), 'w') as txt: txt.write('mechanism\n\n') if self.include_scaledown: txt.write('# Automated stiffness reconditioning employed\n') txt.write('# \n') txt.write('# SDF: ') for i in self.rxn_list: for j in i.variant_list: txt.write('{0:.5e} \t'.format( j.scaledown_factor )) txt.write('\n\n') # Loop through reactions for rxn in self.rxn_list : txt.write('#'*80 + '\n\n') if rxn.is_reversible: txt.write('reversible_step ' + + '\n') else: txt.write('step ' + + '\n') txt.write(' sites ' + str(rxn.sites) + '\n') if not rxn.neighboring is None: txt.write(' neighboring') for j in range(0, len(rxn.neighboring)): txt.write(' ' + rxn.neighboring[j]) txt.write('\n') if not rxn.gas_reacs_prods is None: txt.write(' gas_reacs_prods') for j in range(0,len(rxn.gas_reacs_prods)): txt.write(' ' + str(rxn.gas_reacs_prods[j])) txt.write('\n') txt.write(' initial\n') for j in range( rxn.sites ): txt.write(rxn.initial[j] + '\n') txt.write(' final\n') for j in range( rxn.sites ): txt.write([j] + '\n') txt.write('\n') # Loop through variants for rxn_var in rxn.variant_list : txt.write(' {} {}\n'.format('variant', txt.write(' {:25}'.format('site_types')) for k in range( len( rxn_var.site_types )): txt.write('{} '.format( rxn_var.site_types[k]) ) txt.write('\n') # Write pre-exponential factor. Add comment if it has been rescaled if rxn_var.scaledown_factor == 1.0: # reaction has not been rescaled txt.write(' {:25}{:.5e}\n'.format('pre_expon', rxn_var.pre_expon)) else: # reaction has been rescaled txt.write(' {:25}{:.5e}'.format('pre_expon', rxn_var.pre_expon)) txt.write( (' # Pre-exponential has been ' + 'rescaled by a factor of {0:.5e}\n').format(rxn_var.scaledown_factor) ) if rxn.is_reversible: txt.write(' {:25}{:.5e}\n'.format('pe_ratio', rxn_var.pe_ratio)) txt.write(' {:25}{:5.3f}\n'.format('prox_factor', (rxn_var.prox_factor) ) ) txt.write(' {:25}{:4.2f}\n'.format('activ_eng', (rxn_var.activ_eng )) ) txt.write(' end_variant\n\n') if rxn.is_reversible: txt.write('end_reversible_step\n\n') else: txt.write('end_step\n\n') txt.write('#'*80 + '\n\n') txt.write('\n\nend_mechanism')
[docs] def CalcThermo(self, fldr, T): ''' Calculate the forward activation energy, forward and reverse pre-exponential factors and the PE-ratio for each reaction described in Mechanism_input.dat using an input file with energies and vibrational frequencies for all species and transition states Assumes that each reaction has only 1 variant (MPN) ''' filepath = os.path.join(fldr, 'Zacros_Species_Energy.txt') [lines, dict] = _thermo.DFTFileRead(filepath) T_species = [] for s in lines[3:]: T_species.append(_thermo.Reference(s.split('\t'), dict, filepath, T)) ''' Create list of transition state species ''' TST = [] for y in range(0, len(T_species)): if T_species[y].name.startswith('TST') or T_species[y].name == '*': TST.append([T_species[y].name, y]) ''' Recalculate all entries in mechanism_input.dat ''' for x in range(0, len(self.rxn_list)): q_vib_surf = [] Rxn_TST = 'TST' + ('0' + str(x + 1))[-2:] TST_index = -1 ''' Find the index of the transition state species and the slab energy species for the current reaction ''' for element in TST: if element[0] == Rxn_TST: TST_index = element[1] elif element[0] == '*': TST_Slab = element[1] ''' Create list of all surface products and reactants ''' surf_species = [] for e in self.rxn_list[x].initial: surf_species.append(e.split()) surf_prod = [] for e in self.rxn_list[x].final: surf_prod.append(e.split()) activ_eng = 0.0 fwd_pre = 0.0 if TST_index == -1: ''' Case = No transition state energetics provided ''' if not self.rxn_list[x].gas_reacs_prods is None: MW_gas = next(e.MW for e in T_species if == self.rxn_list[x]. gas_reacs_prods[0]) q_vib_gas = next(e.q_vib for e in T_species if == self.rxn_list[x]. gas_reacs_prods[0]) q_rot_gas = next(e.q_rot for e in T_species if == self.rxn_list[x]. gas_reacs_prods[0]) q_trans2D_gas = next(e.q_trans2D for e in T_species if == self.rxn_list[x]. gas_reacs_prods[0]) for y in range(0, len(surf_prod)): if surf_prod[y][1] != '*' and\ int(surf_prod[y][2]) == 1: q_vib_surf.append(next(e.q_vib for e in T_species if == surf_prod[y][1])) if not self.rxn_list[x].gas_reacs_prods is None and\ int(self.rxn_list[x].gas_reacs_prods[1]) == -1: ''' No transition state and a gas reactant Non-activated adsorbtion ''' fwd_pre = T_species[x].A_st /\ np.sqrt(2*np.pi * MW_gas * _c.kb1*T)\ * 1e5 rev_pre = q_vib_gas * q_rot_gas * q_trans2D_gas /\ np.product(q_vib_surf) * _c.kb1 * T/_c.h1 elif not self.rxn_list[x].gas_reacs_prods is None and\ int(self.rxn_list[x].gas_reacs_prods[1]) == 1: ''' No transition state and a gas product Non-activated desorbtion ''' rev_pre = T_species[x].A_st /\ np.sqrt(2*np.pi * MW_gas * _c.kb1*T)\ * 1e5 fwd_pre = q_vib_gas * q_rot_gas * q_trans2D_gas /\ np.product(q_vib_surf) *\ _c.kb1 * T/_c.h1 else: ''' Insufficient information to calculate pre-exponential factors. Set values to zero ''' fwd_pre = 0 rev_pre = 1 else: ''' Case = Transition state energetics provided ''' activ_eng = T_species[TST_index].etotal -\ T_species[TST_Slab].etotal +\ T_species[TST_index].zpe/_c.ev_atom_2_kcal_mol q_vib_TST = next(e.q_vib for e in T_species if == T_species[TST_index].name) if not self.rxn_list[x].gas_reacs_prods is None: q_vib_gas = next(e.q_vib for e in T_species if == self.rxn_list[x]. gas_reacs_prods[0]) q_rot_gas = next(e.q_rot for e in T_species if == self.rxn_list[x]. gas_reacs_prods[0]) q_trans2D_gas = next(e.q_trans2D for e in T_species if == self.rxn_list[x]. gas_reacs_prods[0]) A_st = next(e.A_st for e in T_species if == self.rxn_list[x].gas_reacs_prods[0]) MW_gas = next(e.MW for e in T_species if == self.rxn_list[x].gas_reacs_prods[0]) for y in range(0, len(surf_prod)): if surf_prod[y][1] != '*' and\ int(surf_prod[y][2]) == 1: q_vib_surf.append(next(e.q_vib for e in T_species if == surf_prod[y][1])) Q_gas = q_vib_gas * q_rot_gas * q_trans2D_gas if not self.rxn_list[x].gas_reacs_prods is None and\ int(self.rxn_list[x].gas_reacs_prods[1]) == -1: ''' Transition state and a gas reactant Activated adsorbtion ''' activ_eng -=\ next(e.etotal + e.zpe/_c.ev_atom_2_kcal_mol for e in T_species if == self.rxn_list[x].gas_reacs_prods[0]) fwd_pre = q_vib_TST/Q_gas * A_st /\ np.sqrt(2*np.pi*MW_gas*_c.kb1*T)*1e5 rev_pre = q_vib_TST/np.product(q_vib_surf) *\ (_c.kb1*T/_c.h1) elif not self.rxn_list[x].gas_reacs_prods is None and\ int(self.rxn_list[x].gas_reacs_prods[1]) == 1: ''' Transition state and a gas product Activated desorbtion ''' q_vib_surf = [] for y in range(0, len(surf_species)): if surf_species[y][1] != '*' and\ int(surf_species[y][2]) == 1: activ_eng -=\ (next(e.etotal + e.zpe / _c.ev_atom_2_kcal_mol for e in T_species if == surf_species[y][1]) - T_species[TST_Slab].etotal) q_vib_surf.append(next(e.q_vib for e in T_species if == surf_species[y][1])) rev_pre = q_vib_TST/Q_gas * A_st /\ np.sqrt(2*np.pi*MW_gas*_c.kb1*T)*1e5 fwd_pre = q_vib_TST/np.product(q_vib_surf) *\ (_c.kb1*T/_c.h1) else: ''' Transition state and no gas reactant or product Surface reaction ''' q_vib_surf = [] for y in range(0, len(surf_species)): if int(surf_species[y][2]) == 1 and\ surf_species[y][1] != '*': activ_eng -=\ (next(e.etotal + e.zpe/_c.ev_atom_2_kcal_mol for e in T_species if == surf_species[y][1]) - T_species[TST_Slab].etotal) q_vib_surf.append(next(e.q_vib for e in T_species if == surf_species[y][1])) q_vib_reactants = np.product(q_vib_surf) fwd_pre = q_vib_TST/q_vib_reactants * (_c.kb1*T/_c.h1) q_vib_prod = [] for y in range(0, len(surf_prod)): if int(surf_prod[y][2]) == 1 and\ surf_prod[y][1] != '*': q_vib_prod.append(next(e.q_vib for e in T_species if == surf_prod[y][1])) q_vib_products = np.product(q_vib_prod) rev_pre = q_vib_TST/q_vib_products * (_c.kb1*T/_c.h1) # Modify reaction data # assumes that each reaction has only one variant - i.e. variant_list[0] self.rxn_list[x].variant_list[0].activ_eng = max(activ_eng, 0.0) self.rxn_list[x].variant_list[0].pre_expon = fwd_pre *\ self.rxn_list[x].variant_list[0].scaledown_factor self.rxn_list[x].variant_list[0].pe_ratio = fwd_pre/rev_pre
[docs]class StateIn(object): ''' Handles input from state_input.dat ''' fname = 'state_input.dat' def __init__(self): self.Type = None # None: No state_input.dat, StateInput: has read state_input.dat, history: read from history file previously self.Struct = None
[docs] def ReadIn(self, fldr): ''' Read state_input.dat ''' if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(fldr, 'state_input.dat')): with open(os.path.join(fldr, 'state_input.dat'), 'r') as Txt: RawTxt = Txt.readlines() self.Struct = [] for i in RawTxt: self.Struct.append(i.split('\n')[0]) self.Type = 'StateInput' else: self.Type = None
[docs] def WriteIn(self, fldr, surf_spec): ''' Write state_input.dat ''' if self.Type is None: pass elif self.Type == 'StateInput': with open(os.path.join(fldr, self.fname), 'w') as txt: for i in self.Struct: txt.write(i + '\n') elif self.Type == 'history': Lattice = self.Struct UniqSpec = np.unique(Lattice[np.not_equal( Lattice[:, 2], 0), 1]) nAds = len(UniqSpec) SpecIden = [0] * nAds AdsInfo = [[] for i in range(0, nAds)] DentInfo = [[] for i in range(0, nAds)] for i in range(0, nAds): for j in range(0, Lattice.shape[0]): if UniqSpec[i] == Lattice[j, 1]: AdsInfo[i].append(j + 1) DentInfo[i].append(Lattice[j, 3]) SpecIden[i] = Lattice[j, 2] if nAds > 0: with open(os.path.join(fldr, self.fname), 'w') as txt: txt.write('initial_state\n') for i in range(0, nAds): txt.write(' seed_on_sites {:10}'. format(surf_spec [SpecIden[i]-1], 10)) for j in range(0, len(DentInfo[i])): for k in range(0, len(DentInfo[i])): if j + 1 == DentInfo[i][k]: txt.write(str(AdsInfo[i][k]) + ' ') txt.write('\n') txt.write('end_initial_state\n') else: print 'Unrecognized state_input type' print 'state_input not written'
''' ============ Classes to handle output files ============ '''
[docs]class PerformanceOut(object): ''' Handles data from general_output.txt ''' fname = 'general_output.txt' def __init__(self): self.nRxn = None self.t_final = None self.events_occurred = None self.CPU_time = None self.RxnNameList = [] self.Nu = None self.UniqNu = None
[docs] def ReadOut(self, fldr, surf_spec_names, gas_spec_names): ''' Read general_output.txt ''' n_surf = len(surf_spec_names) n_gas = len(gas_spec_names) with open(os.path.join(fldr, self.fname), 'r') as txt: RawTxt = txt.readlines() for i in range(0, len(RawTxt)): if'Number of elementary steps:', RawTxt[i]): self.nRxn =[i].split(':')[1]) elif'Current KMC time:', RawTxt[i]): self.t_final = np.float(RawTxt[i].split(':')[1]) elif'Events occurred:', RawTxt[i]): self.events_occurred =\ np.float(RawTxt[i].split(':')[1]) elif'Elapsed CPU time:', RawTxt[i]): after_colon = RawTxt[i].split(':')[1] self.CPU_time =\ np.float(after_colon.split(' ')[-2]) elif'Reaction network:', RawTxt[i]): RxnStartLine = i + 2 if RawTxt[RxnStartLine].split()[0] == '1.': NameInd = 1 else: NameInd = 0 self.RxnNameList = [] nuList = [] for i in range(RxnStartLine, RxnStartLine + self.nRxn): RxnName = RawTxt[i].split()[NameInd][:-1] self.RxnNameList.append(RxnName) RxnStr = RawTxt[i]['Reaction:', RawTxt[i]).end():] RxnStrList = RxnStr.split() nu = [0] * (n_surf + n_gas) for j in range(0, len(RxnStrList)): if RxnStrList[j] == '->': ArrowInd = j for j in range(0, len(RxnStrList)): if j < ArrowInd: Sign = -1 else: Sign = 1 if'\(', RxnStrList[j]): SurfIden = _re.sub(r'\([^)]*\)', '', RxnStrList[j]) if SurfIden != '*': SurfInd = [k for k in range( n_surf ) if SurfIden == surf_spec_names[k]][0] nu[SurfInd] += Sign elif RxnStrList[j] != '->' and RxnStrList[j] != '+': GasInd = [k for k in range( n_gas ) if RxnStrList[j] == gas_spec_names[k]][0] nu[ n_surf + GasInd] += Sign nuList.append(nu) self.Nu = nuList self.UniqNu = _ReturnUnique(nuList).tolist()
[docs]class ProcstatOut(object): ''' Handles data from procstat_output.txt ''' fname = 'procstat_output.txt' def __init__(self): self.Spacing = None self.t = None = None
[docs] def ReadOut(self, fldr): ''' Read procstat_output.txt ''' MaxLen = with open(os.path.join(fldr, self.fname), 'r') as txt: RawTxt = txt.readlines() if len(RawTxt) - 1 > MaxLen * 3: # Procstat uses 3 lines per outputs Spacing = - 1)/(MaxLen*3))) RawTxt2 = [] for i in range(0, MaxLen): RawTxt2.append(RawTxt[i*Spacing*3+1]) RawTxt2.append(RawTxt[i*Spacing*3+2]) RawTxt2.append(RawTxt[i*Spacing*3+3]) else: Spacing = 1 RawTxt2 = RawTxt[1:] t = [] events = [] for i in range(0, len(RawTxt2)/3): t.append(np.float(RawTxt2[i*3].split()[3])) eventsTemp = RawTxt2[i*3+2].split()[1:] for j in range(0, len(eventsTemp)): eventsTemp[j] =[j]) events.append(eventsTemp) self.Spacing = Spacing self.t = np.asarray(t) = np.asarray(events)
[docs]class SpecnumOut(object): ''' Handles data from specnum_output.txt ''' fname = 'specnum_output.txt' def __init__(self): ''' Initializes class variables ''' self.Spacing = None self.nEvents = None self.t = None self.T = None self.E = None self.spec = None
[docs] def ReadOut(self, fldr): ''' Read specnum_output.txt ''' MaxLen = with open(os.path.join(fldr, self.fname), 'r') as txt: RawTxt = txt.readlines() if len(RawTxt) - 1 > MaxLen: Spacing = RawTxt2 = [] for i in range(0, MaxLen): RawTxt2.append(RawTxt[i*Spacing+1]) else: Spacing = 1 RawTxt2 = RawTxt[1:] nEvents = [] t = [] T = [] E = [] spec = [] for i in range(0, len(RawTxt2)): LineSplit = RawTxt2[i].split() nEvents.append([1])) t.append(np.float(LineSplit[2])) T.append(np.float(LineSplit[3])) E.append(np.float(LineSplit[4])) specTemp = LineSplit[5:] for j in range(0, len(specTemp)): specTemp[j] =[j]) spec.append(specTemp) # Store data in class variables self.Spacing = Spacing self.nEvents = np.asarray(nEvents) self.t = np.asarray(t) self.T = np.asarray(T) self.E = np.asarray(E) self.spec = np.asarray(spec)
[docs]class HistoryOut(): ''' Handles data from history_output.txt ''' fname = 'history_output.txt' def __init__(self): n_snapshots = 0 snapshots = [] snap_times = None
[docs] def ReadOut(self, fldr, nSites): ''' Read history_output.txt fldr: name of the folder containting the file nSites: number of lattice sites, obtained from lattice_output.txt ''' HistPath = os.path.join(fldr, self.fname) # Check if file exists if not os.path.isfile(HistPath): return nLines = _rawbigcount(HistPath) self.n_snapshots = (nLines-6)/(nSites+2) self.snapshots = [] self.snap_times = [] for snap_ind in range(self.n_snapshots): snap_data = np.array([[0]*4]*nSites) _linecache.clearcache() snap_header = _linecache.getline(HistPath, 8 + snap_ind * (nSites+2)-1).split() self.snap_times.append(np.float(snap_header[3])) for i in range(0, nSites): snap_data[i, :] = _linecache.getline(HistPath, 8 + snap_ind * (nSites+2)+i).split() self.snapshots.append(snap_data)
def StateInc(i): if'off', i): state = 'off' inc = '' elif'on time', i): state = 'time' inc = np.float(i.split()[3]) elif'on event', i): state = 'event' if len(i.split()) < 4: inc = 1 else: inc =[3]) return (state, inc)
[docs]def Read_propensities(path, nRxn): ''' Read propenisty data from output files. The initial time point: At t = 0 or after 0 events is wrong because it is recorded before the first propensities are calculated. Instead, they are erroneously all zeros and should not be used for averaging. The rest are correct. :param Mode: 0 - Read Prop_output.bin, instantaneous propensities 1 - Read PropCounter_output.bin, time integrated propensities used for accurate time averages :returns: Matrix of time integrated surface species populations ''' if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, 'Prop_output.bin')): dt = np.dtype(np.float64) virtual_arr = np.memmap(os.path.join(path, 'Prop_output.bin'), dt, "r") nNum = virtual_arr.shape[0] nNum = nNum - (nNum % nRxn) virtual_arr = virtual_arr[:nNum] prop = np.reshape(virtual_arr, [nNum/nRxn, nRxn]) del virtual_arr return np.array(prop) elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, 'propensities_output.txt')): with open(os.path.join(path, 'propensities_output.txt'), 'r') as txt: RawTxt = txt.readlines() prop = [] for i in range(len(RawTxt)): LineSplit = RawTxt[i].split() line_data = [] if len(LineSplit) > 0: for dub in LineSplit: line_data.append(np.float(dub)) prop.append(line_data) return np.array(prop) else: return None
[docs]def Read_time_integrated_propensities(path, nRxn): ''' Read propenisty data from output files. The initial time point: At t = 0 or after 0 events is wrong because it is recorded before the first propensities are calculated. Instead, they are erroneously all zeros and should not be used for averaging. The rest are correct. :param Mode: 0 - Read Prop_output.bin, instantaneous propensities 1 - Read PropCounter_output.bin, time integrated propensities used for accurate time averages :returns: Matrix of time integrated surface species populations ''' if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, 'PropCounter_output.bin')): dt = np.dtype(np.float64) virtual_arr = np.memmap(os.path.join(path, 'PropCounter_output.bin'), dt, "r") nNum = virtual_arr.shape[0] nNum = nNum - (nNum % nRxn) virtual_arr = virtual_arr[:nNum] propCounter = np.reshape(virtual_arr, [nNum/nRxn, nRxn]) del virtual_arr return np.array(propCounter) elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, 'timeintprop_output.txt')): with open(os.path.join(path, 'timeintprop_output.txt'), 'r') as txt: RawTxt = txt.readlines() propCounter = [] for i in range(len(RawTxt)): LineSplit = RawTxt[i].split() line_data = [] if len(LineSplit) > 0: for dub in LineSplit: line_data.append(np.float(dub)) propCounter.append(line_data) return np.array(propCounter) else: return None
[docs]def Read_trajectory_derivatives(path, nRxn): ''' Read SA_output.bin - get trajectory derivatives for use in likelihood ratio sensitivity analysis :returns: Matrix of trajectory derivatives ''' dt = np.dtype(np.float64) FileName = 'SA_output.bin' if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, FileName)): virtual_arr = np.memmap(os.path.join(path, FileName), dt, "r") nNum = virtual_arr.shape[0] nNum = nNum - (nNum % nRxn) virtual_arr = virtual_arr[:nNum] W_sen_anal = np.reshape(virtual_arr, [nNum/nRxn, nRxn]) del virtual_arr return np.array(W_sen_anal) elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, 'trajderiv_output.txt')): with open(os.path.join(path, 'trajderiv_output.txt'), 'r') as txt: RawTxt = txt.readlines() W_sen_anal = [] for i in range(len(RawTxt)): LineSplit = RawTxt[i].split() line_data = [] if len(LineSplit) > 0: for dub in LineSplit: line_data.append(np.float(dub)) W_sen_anal.append(line_data) return np.array(W_sen_anal) else: return None
[docs]def Read_time_integrated_species(path, n_surf_specs): ''' Read time integrated species counts :returns: Matrix of time integrated surface species populations ''' if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, 'IntegSpec_output.bin')): dt = np.dtype(np.float64) virtual_arr = np.memmap(os.path.join(path, 'IntegSpec_output.bin'), dt, "r") nNum = virtual_arr.shape[0] nNum = nNum - (nNum % n_surf_specs) virtual_arr = virtual_arr[:nNum] spec_num_int = np.reshape(virtual_arr, [nNum/n_surf_specs, n_surf_specs]) del virtual_arr return np.array(spec_num_int) elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, 'timeintspecs_output.txt')): with open(os.path.join(path, 'timeintspecs_output.txt'), 'r') as txt: RawTxt = txt.readlines() spec_num_int = [] for i in range(len(RawTxt)): LineSplit = RawTxt[i].split() line_data = [] if len(LineSplit) > 0: for dub in LineSplit: line_data.append(np.float(dub)) spec_num_int.append(line_data) return np.array(spec_num_int) else: return None
[docs]def Read_time_integrated_site_props(path, nSites, nRxn, nSnaps ): ''' Read time integrated site propensities :returns: List of [nSites x nRxn] matrices, one for each snapshot ''' fname = os.path.join(path, 'TIsiteprops_output.txt') if os.path.isfile(fname): with open(fname, 'r') as txt: RawTxt = txt.readlines() TS_site_props_list = [] line_count = 0 for snap_ind in range(nSnaps): prop_array = np.zeros([nSites, nRxn]) for site_ind in range(nSites): x = RawTxt[line_count].split() for rxn_ind in range(nRxn): prop_array[site_ind, rxn_ind] = x[rxn_ind] line_count += 1 line_count += 1 TS_site_props_list.append(prop_array) return TS_site_props_list else: return None