Multiple trajectories

class Replicates.Replicates[source]

Performs statistical data analysis for muliple kMC trajectories with the same input, but different random seeds and possibly different initial states


Average multiple trajectories


Builds folders with Zacros input files. Each trajectory is assigned a different random seed. :param init_states: List of intial states for each trajectory.


Compute varaibles needed for the analysis, based on the input


Use batch means to compute the reaction rate (and confidence interval) Also compute the autocorrelation function (ACF) (and confidence interval)

Params include_ACF_CI:
 Whether to use statistical bootstrapping to compute confidence intervals. This takes some CPU time.
Returns:The rate
PerformSA(delta_t=None, ergodic=True, dp_per_bin=10)[source]

Perform likelihood ratio sensitivity analysis with a combination of time and trajectory averaging

  • delta_t – Size of the time window used for likelihood ratio sensitivity analysis. By default, it is the size of a batch.
  • ergodic
    True - average the rate over the entire time interval (centered ergodic likelihood ratio)
    False - use the rate at the end of the time interval (centered likelihood ratio)

    Data between sample points is estimated with linear interpolation


Plot the results of sensitivity analysis

NSC_cut : Reactions with normalized sensitivity coefficients (NSC) below this limit will not be plotted


Read all Zacros jobs in a given folder


Runs all trajectories in serial

RunAllTrajectories_JobArray(max_cores=100, server='Squidward', job_name='zacros_JA')[source]

Runs a job array on Squidward or Farber Writes the .qs file with certain parameters changed Then, it submits it to the gridengine and waits for them to finish :param max_cores: Maximum number of cores to use :param server: Name of the server. Squidward and Farber are supported. :param job_name: Name of the job to put in the submit file.


Set the KMC trajectory template as well as other useful variables


Write the results of sensitivity analysis into a SA_output.txt

Replicates.append_replicates(batch1, batch2)[source]

Append two sets of trajectories

Returns:Replicates object with all trajectories appended