import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mat
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import copy
import sys
import scipy.stats
from KMC_Run import *
from utils import *
import time
import scipy
[docs]class Replicates:
Performs statistical data analysis for muliple kMC trajectories with the same input, but different
random seeds and possibly different initial states
def __init__(self):
Initialize data structures
# General info
self.ParentFolder = None
self.runtemplate = None # Use this to build replicate jobs
self.runAvg = None # Values are averages of all runs from runList
self.avg_updated = False # Whether we need to update the trajectory averages
self.n_trajectories = 0
# Input data for different trajectories
self.run_dirs = []
self.rand_seeds = []
# Output data taken accross all trajectories
# Put here various multidimensional numpy arrays which will make it easier to do statistics
self.t_vec = None # times at which data is recorded
self.species_pops = None # species populations
self.rxn_freqs = None # reaction frequencies
self.History_final_snaps = None
self.propensities = None # total propensity for each reaction
self.Props_integ = None
self.traj_derivs = None
self.events_total = None
self.CPU_total = None
self.time_avg_covs = None
self.TS_site_props_sss = None
# Rate analysis
self.N_batches = 1000 # Used to be 1000
self.Nbpt = None
self.batch_length = None # Length of time in one batch
self.gas_product = None
self.gas_prod_ind = None
self.TOF_stoich = None
# Rate and autocorrelation data
self.rate = None
self.rate_CI = None
self.ACF = None
self.ACF_CI = None
# Sensitivity indices
self.NSC = None
self.NSC_ci = None
[docs] def Set_kmc_template(self, kmc_temp):
Set the KMC trajectory template as well as other useful variables
self.runtemplate = copy.deepcopy(kmc_temp)
self.gas_product = kmc_temp.gas_prod
[docs] def BuildJobFiles(self, init_states = None):
Builds folders with Zacros input files. Each trajectory is assigned a different random seed.
:param init_states: List of intial states for each trajectory.
if not os.path.exists(self.ParentFolder):
# List the directories and random seeds
self.run_dirs = []
self.rand_seeds = []
seed = 5000
# Go through the directories and write input files for trajectories with
# different random seeds and possibly different initial states
for i in range(self.n_trajectories):
# Set the random seed
self.runtemplate.simin.Seed = seed
seed = seed + 1
# Set the path
fldr = os.path.join(self.ParentFolder, str(i+1))
self.runtemplate.Path = fldr
# Set initial state
if not init_states is None:
self.runtemplate.statein.Type = 'history'
self.runtemplate.statein.Struct = init_states[i]
# Write input files in that folder
if not os.path.exists(fldr):
[docs] def RunAllTrajectories_JobArray(self, max_cores = 100, server = 'Squidward', job_name = 'zacros_JA'):
Runs a job array on Squidward or Farber
Writes the .qs file with certain parameters changed
Then, it submits it to the gridengine and waits for them to finish
:param max_cores: Maximum number of cores to use
:param server: Name of the server. Squidward and Farber are supported.
:param job_name: Name of the job to put in the submit file.
sys.stdout.write('Running parallel jobs\n')
with open(os.path.join(self.ParentFolder, 'dir_list.txt'), 'w') as txt:
for fldr in self.run_dirs:
txt.write(fldr + '\n')
if server == 'Squidward':
max_cores = np.min([max_cores, 96])
elif server == 'Farber':
max_cores = np.min([max_cores, 100])
raise Exception('Unrecognized server for parallel runs')
n_cores = np.min([max_cores, self.n_trajectories])
with open(os.path.join(self.ParentFolder, 'zacros_submit_JA.qs'), 'w') as txt:
if server == 'Farber':
txt.write('#$ -cwd\n')
txt.write('#$ -j y\n')
txt.write('#$ -S /bin/bash\n')
txt.write('#$ -l h_cpu=168:00:00\n')
txt.write('#$ -N ' + job_name + ' #This is the name of the job array\n')
txt.write('#$ -t 1-' + str(self.n_trajectories) + ' #Assumes task IDs increment by 1; can also increment by another value\n')
txt.write('#$ -tc ' + str(n_cores) + ' #This is the total number of tasks to run at any given moment\n')
txt.write('#$ -pe threads 1 -l mem_free=2G #Change the last field to the number of processors desired per task\n')
txt.write('# Change the following to #$ and set the amount of memory you need\n')
txt.write('# per-slot if you are getting out-of-memory errors using the\n')
txt.write('# default:\n')
txt.write('#$ -l m_mem_free=4G\n')
txt.write('source /etc/profile.d/\n')
txt.write('# Use vpkg_require to setup the environment:\n')
txt.write('vpkg_require intel/2016\n')
txt.write('# Ensure that the OpenMP runtime knows how many processors to use;\n')
txt.write('# Grid Engine automatically sets NSLOTS to the number of cores granted\n')
txt.write('# to this job:\n')
txt.write('export OMP_NUM_THREADS=$NSLOTS\n')
txt.write('job_file=\'' + os.path.join(self.ParentFolder, 'dir_list.txt') + '\'\n')
txt.write('#Change to the job directory\n')
txt.write('job_path=$(sed -n "$SGE_TASK_ID p" "$job_file")\n')
txt.write('cd "$job_path" #SGE_TASK_ID is the task number in the range <task_start_index> to <task_stop_index>\n')
txt.write(' #This could easily be modified to take a prefix; ask me how.\n')
txt.write('# Now append whatever commands you use to run your OpenMP code:\n')
txt.write('time ' + self.runtemplate.exe_file)
if server == 'Squidward':
txt.write('#$ -cwd\n')
txt.write('#$ -j y\n')
txt.write('#$ -S /bin/bash\n')
txt.write('#$ -N zacros_JA #This is the name of the job array\n')
txt.write('#$ -t 1-' + str(self.n_trajectories) + ' #Assumes task IDs increment by 1; can also increment by another value\n')
txt.write('#$ -tc ' + str(n_cores) + ' #This is the total number of tasks to run at any given moment\n')
txt.write('#$ -pe openmpi-smp 1 -l mem_free=1G #Change the last field to the number of processors desired per task\n')
txt.write('job_file=\'' + os.path.join(self.ParentFolder, 'dir_list.txt') + '\'\n')
txt.write('#Change to the job directory\n')
txt.write('job_path=$(sed -n "$SGE_TASK_ID p" "$job_file")\n')
txt.write('cd "$job_path" #SGE_TASK_ID is the task number in the range <task_start_index> to <task_stop_index>\n')
txt.write('time ' + self.runtemplate.exe_file)
raise NameError('Server name not recognized.')
# Call to system to submit the job array
os.system('qsub ' + os.path.join(self.ParentFolder, 'zacros_submit_JA.qs'))
# Wait for jobs to be done
all_jobs_done = False
check_num = 1
while not all_jobs_done:
check_num += 1
all_jobs_done = True
for fldr in self.run_dirs:
self.runtemplate.Path = fldr
if not self.runtemplate.CheckComplete():
all_jobs_done = False
sys.stdout.write('Jobs in ' + self.ParentFolder + ' have finished\n')
[docs] def RunAllJobs_serial(self): # Serial version of running all jobs
Runs all trajectories in serial
# loop over array of directories and execute the Zacros executable in that folder
for fldr in self.run_dirs:
self.runtemplate.Path = fldr
[docs] def ReadMultipleRuns(self):
Read all Zacros jobs in a given folder
sys.stdout.write('Reading all runs in ' + self.ParentFolder + '\n')
dummy_run = kmc_traj() # Use this to transfer information
if not self.run_dirs: # If directory list is empty, fill it with the directories in the current folder which have finished jobs
DirList = [d for d in os.listdir(self.ParentFolder) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.ParentFolder, d))] # List all folders in ParentFolder
for direct in DirList:
full_direct = os.path.join(self.ParentFolder, direct)
dummy_run.Path = full_direct
if dummy_run.CheckComplete():
self.n_trajectories = len(self.run_dirs)
# Create arrays for data
# Use input data from runtemplate to properly size the arrays
self.t_vec = []
self.species_pops = []
self.rxn_freqs = []
self.History_final_snaps = [] # list of the final states
self.propensities = []
self.Props_integ = []
self.traj_derivs = []
self.events_total = []
self.CPU_total = []
self.time_avg_covs = [] # surface species coverage based on time integral not including empty site
self.TS_site_props_sss = []
for traj_dir in self.run_dirs:
# Switch to folder and read output files
dummy_run.Path = traj_dir
self.runtemplate = dummy_run # so we have an example
# Pass the data from this run into the larger data structures in
# so you will not have to store separate kmc_traj objects
# The large arrays of data will be easier to process
self.t_vec = np.array(dummy_run.specnumout.t )
self.species_pops.append(dummy_run.specnumout.spec )
self.rxn_freqs.append( )
if hasattr(dummy_run.histout, 'snapshots'): # For some reason dummy_run.histout was not initializing properly...
if not dummy_run.histout.snapshots == []:
self.History_final_snaps.append( dummy_run.histout.snapshots[-1] )
self.events_total.append( dummy_run.genout.events_occurred )
self.CPU_total.append( dummy_run.genout.CPU_time )
# Convert the data from lists to arrays
self.species_pops = np.array(self.species_pops)
self.rxn_freqs = np.array(self.rxn_freqs)
self.propensities = np.array(self.propensities)
self.Props_integ = np.array(self.Props_integ)
self.traj_derivs = np.array(self.traj_derivs)
self.events_total = np.array(self.events_total)
self.CPU_total = np.array(self.CPU_total)
self.time_avg_covs = np.array(self.time_avg_covs)
self.TS_site_props_sss = np.array(self.TS_site_props_sss)
self.runAvg = copy.deepcopy(dummy_run) # Initialize run average with information from dummyrun
self.avg_updated = False
[docs] def AverageRuns(self):
Average multiple trajectories
self.runAvg.Path = self.ParentFolder
self.runAvg.specnumout.t = self.t_vec
self.runAvg.specnumout.spec = np.mean(self.species_pops, axis = 0) = np.mean(self.rxn_freqs, axis = 0)
if not self.runAvg.prop is None:
self.runAvg.prop = np.mean(self.propensities, axis = 0)
if not self.runAvg.spec_num_int is None:
self.runAvg.spec_num_int = np.mean(self.time_avg_covs,axis = 0)
if not self.runAvg.propCounter is None:
self.runAvg.propCounter = np.mean(self.Props_integ, axis = 0)
if not self.runAvg.TS_site_props_ss is None:
self.runAvg.TS_site_props_ss = np.mean(self.TS_site_props_sss, axis = 0)
self.runAvg.genout.events_occurred = np.mean(self.events_total)
self.runAvg.genout.CPU_time = np.mean(self.CPU_total)
self.avg_updated = True
[docs] def Compute_batch_data(self, n_batches_total = 1000):
Compute varaibles needed for the analysis, based on the input
self.N_batches = n_batches_total
# Find index of product molecule
self.gas_prod_ind = len( self.runAvg.simin.surf_spec ) + self.runAvg.simin.gas_spec.index(self.gas_product) # Find the index of the product species and adjust index to account for surface species
raise Exception('Product species ' + self.gas_product + ' not found.')
# Find the stochiometry of the product molecule for each reaction
nRxns = len(self.runAvg.genout.RxnNameList)
self.TOF_stoich = np.zeros(nRxns)
for i, elem_stoich in enumerate(self.runAvg.genout.Nu):
self.TOF_stoich[i] = elem_stoich[self.gas_prod_ind]
self.Nbpt = np.max( [ 3 , (self.N_batches-1) / self.n_trajectories + 2 ] ) # Set the number of batches per trajectory
self.batch_length = self.t_vec[-1] / self.Nbpt
[docs] def Compute_rate(self, include_ACF_CI = True):
Use batch means to compute the reaction rate (and confidence interval)
Also compute the autocorrelation function (ACF) (and confidence interval)
:params include_ACF_CI: Whether to use statistical bootstrapping to compute confidence intervals.
This takes some CPU time.
:returns: The rate
if not self.avg_updated:
bin_edges = np.linspace(0, self.t_vec[-1], self.Nbpt + 1)
rate_data = np.zeros([self.n_trajectories, self.Nbpt])
for i in range(self.Nbpt):
idb_start = self.runAvg.time_search_interp(bin_edges[i])
idb_end = self.runAvg.time_search_interp(bin_edges[i+1])
prop_integ_start = idb_start[1][0] * self.Props_integ[:, idb_start[0][0], :] + idb_start[1][1] * self.Props_integ[:, idb_start[0][1], :]
prop_integ_end = idb_end[1][0] * self.Props_integ[:, idb_end[0][0], :] + idb_end[1][1] * self.Props_integ[:, idb_end[0][1], :]
rate_data[:,i] = ( ( prop_integ_end - prop_integ_start ) / self.batch_length , self.TOF_stoich )
Compute confidence in the rate (assuming IID)
all_batch_rates = rate_data[:,1::]
all_batch_rates = all_batch_rates.flatten()
n = len(all_batch_rates)
self.rate, se = np.mean(all_batch_rates), scipy.stats.sem(all_batch_rates)
self.rate_CI = se * scipy.stats.t._ppf((1+confidence)/2., n - 1)
Compute autocorrelation function
# Compute the autocorrelation function for the batch means of the rate
c1 = rate_data[:,1:-1:]
c1 = c1.flatten()
c2 = rate_data[:,2::]
c2 = c2.flatten()
if np.var(all_batch_rates) == 0: # If the variance of the batch means is zero, autocorrelation cannot be computed.
self.ACF = None
self.ACF_CI = None
self.ACF = ( np.mean(c1 * c2) - np.mean(c1) * np.mean(c2) ) / np.var(all_batch_rates)
if include_ACF_CI:
Compute confidence interval for ACF
N_boot = 100
ACF_dist = np.zeros(N_boot)
for i in range(N_boot):
subpop_inds = np.random.randint(len(c1), size=len(c1))
c1_new = c1[subpop_inds]
c2_new = c2[subpop_inds]
ACF_dist[i] = ( np.mean(c1_new * c2_new) - np.mean(c1_new) * np.mean(c2_new) ) / np.var(all_batch_rates)
ACF_dist = sorted(ACF_dist)
ACF_high = ACF_dist[int(0.95 * N_boot)]
ACF_low = ACF_dist[int(0.05 * N_boot)]
self.ACF_CI = (ACF_high - ACF_low) / 2
# Rescale error bars on the rate based on the ACF
if not self.ACF is None:
var_scale = 1
for i in range(1,self.Nbpt):
var_scale = var_scale + 2 * ( 1 - i / ( self.Nbpt - 1 ) ) * self.ACF ** i
self.rate_CI = self.rate_CI * np.sqrt( var_scale )
return self.rate
[docs] def PlotSensitivities(self, NSC_cut = 0.05):
Plot the results of sensitivity analysis
NSC_cut : Reactions with normalized sensitivity coefficients (NSC) below this limit will not be plotted
width = 0.8
ind = 0
yvals = []
ylabels = []
for i in range (self.runAvg.mechin.get_num_rxns()):
if self.NSC[i] + self.NSC_ci[i] > NSC_cut or self.NSC[i] - self.NSC_ci[i] < -NSC_cut:
plt.barh(ind-0.9, self.NSC[i], width, color='r', xerr = self.NSC_ci[i], ecolor='k')
indices = get_rxn_var_inds(i)
ylabels.append(self.runAvg.rxn_list[indices[0]].name + '_' + self.runAvg.rxn_list[indices[1]].name )
ind = ind - 1
plt.plot([0, 0], [0, ind], color='k')
plt.yticks(yvals, ylabels)
ax = plt.subplot(111)
pos = [0.30, 0.15, 0.65, 0.8]
plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.ParentFolder, 'SA_output.png'))
[docs] def WriteSA_output(self):
Write the results of sensitivity analysis into a SA_output.txt
with open(os.path.join(self.ParentFolder, 'SA_output.txt'), 'w') as txt:
txt.write('Normalized sensitivity coefficients \n\n')
#txt.write('Turnover frequency: \t' + '{0:.3E} \t'.format(self.TOF) + '+- {0:.3E} \t'.format(self.TOF_error) + '\n\n')
txt.write('Reaction name \t NSC \t NSC confidence \n')
ind = 0
for rxn in self.runAvg.mechin.rxn_list:
for vrnt in rxn.variant_list:
txt.write( + '_' + + '\t' + '{0:.3f} +- \t'.format(self.NSC[ind]) + '\n')
[docs]def append_replicates(batch1, batch2):
Append two sets of trajectories
:returns: Replicates object with all trajectories appended
sand = copy.deepcopy(batch2)
sand.t_vec = np.hstack( [ batch1.t_vec, batch2.t_vec[1::] + batch1.t_vec[-1]] )
#sand.History_final_snaps = batch2.History_final_snaps # history will already have been copied
sand.events_total = batch1.events_total + batch2.events_total
sand.CPU_total = batch1.CPU_total + batch2.CPU_total
# Cumulative data structures
# Add data from the end of the first calculation to the second calculation
for traj_ind in range(batch2.n_trajectories):
for time_ind in range(len(batch2.t_vec)):
for rxn_ind in range( sand.rxn_freqs.shape[2] ):
sand.rxn_freqs[traj_ind, time_ind, rxn_ind] += batch1.rxn_freqs[traj_ind, -1, rxn_ind]
sand.Props_integ[traj_ind, time_ind, rxn_ind] += batch1.Props_integ[traj_ind, -1, rxn_ind]
sand.traj_derivs[traj_ind, time_ind, rxn_ind] += batch1.traj_derivs[traj_ind, -1, rxn_ind]
# Add to the end for gas phase populations
for spec_ind in range( len( batch2.runAvg.simin.surf_spec ) , len( batch2.runAvg.simin.surf_spec ) + len( batch2.runAvg.simin.gas_spec ) ):
sand.species_pops[traj_ind, time_ind, spec_ind] += batch1.species_pops[traj_ind, -1, spec_ind]
# Combine the data
sand.species_pops = np.concatenate( [batch1.species_pops, sand.species_pops[:,1::,:]], axis = 1 )
sand.rxn_freqs = np.concatenate( [batch1.rxn_freqs, sand.rxn_freqs[:,1::,:]], axis = 1 )
sand.propensities = np.concatenate( [batch1.propensities, sand.propensities[:,1::,:]], axis = 1 )
sand.Props_integ = np.concatenate( [batch1.Props_integ, sand.Props_integ[:,1::,:]], axis = 1 )
sand.traj_derivs = np.concatenate( [batch1.traj_derivs, sand.traj_derivs[:,1::,:]], axis = 1 )
sand.avg_updated = False
return sand